To use an Oculus headset with your Unreal project, the Oculus VR plugin must be enabled in Unreal Engine. You also need to allow unknown sources to run on your headset. By allowing unknown sources, you can test your projects on a device without it needing to be registered and reviewed by...
UE 5.4.2 - Meta XR Plugin v67 Jul 19, 2024 Scene.uproject UE 5.3.2 - Meta XR Plugin v65 May 17, 2024 View all files README Code of conduct License Scene Sample This sample demonstrates the usage ofScene in Unreal Engine. Though its main feature is related to Scene, it also uses ...
对于4.22的预览版Unreal Engine 4.22 Preview 1,这款引擎正式支持了即将上市的Oculus Quest,以及带来了一系列的XR更新。 完整的版本更新说明可访问Unreal论坛页面,下面是VR/AR相关的部分更新: 1. XR更新 Hololens远程流媒体支持:Unreal 4现在通过Windows Mixed Reality插件支持全息远程处理。 Oculus Quest支持:Unreal 4...
gamedevluagame-enginevropenvroculusvirtual-realitylovroculus-questopenxr UpdatedAug 29, 2024 C Mixed Reality app for iOS iosvirtual-realitymixed-realityarkitoculus-quest UpdatedJun 13, 2024 Swift 2D, 3D & VR experiments and tutorials in Godot 3 & 4 ...
An Altera Max II CPLD and an ST Arm processor help boil down the data to something which a VR engine can process. [Josh] has been working on this project for over a year now, and he’s making great progress. The prototype glove looks terrific! [Thomas] brings augmented reality to the...
旧金山(2014年3月19日)-过去的几个月里,游戏的虚拟现实开发、线性娱乐方式和其它类型的应用呈现爆炸式增长,本周的游戏开发者大会的新虚幻引擎4演示带来了深入的、高保真的Oculus体验。 这是一款多人游戏,尽管开发的工作室以写实射击游戏而闻名,但这款游戏和您所期望的不同。
我们要高兴地祝贺 Oculus Story Studio赢得杰出原创互动节目的艾美奖,这是为了表彰他们制作的那个迷人的动画 VR 体验:《Henry》。无记名投票的评审团认可了这个互动媒体上的创新成就,这使《Henry》成为史上第一个赢得艾美奖的 VR 原创叙事电影。 这对VR 创作者来说固然是好消息,但更好的消息是给虚幻引...
a startup founded in Burlington to create oneclick software for architects to visualize models in virtual reality. IrisVR moved to New York City after being accepted into the startup incubator program Techstars and has since moved to an independent office in NoHo, where Jack continues to work....
The OpenHMD guys are on the verge of getting sensorfusion on the whole and someone has made an OpenVR plugin that works with OpenHMD so things are progressing. There's some delay as they're waiting to see when the needed direct rendering support for the display type there gets supported by...
《袖珍赛车:沙盒引擎》Pocket Racer : Sandbox Engine 2023-01-29 Quest游戏· 赛车/飞行 1.86k 388 推广 类型:模拟、赛车、竞技、免费下载 联机:单人离线 大小:79MB 版本:2023年1月28号本v6.6 语言:英文 平台:Quest、Quest 2、Meta Quest Pro 仅限注册用户下载,请先登录立即下载 VIP高速下载地址,包含百度...