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VRPinea独家点评:Oculus Quest销量不错并饱受好评,这增加了Facebook对VR的信心。 Valve赞助开发,Collabora将支持VR串流Linux桌面 近日,Collabora在Valve赞助下,推出支持VR串流GNOME、KDE等Linux桌面的开源应用:xrdestop。该应用可集成到现有Linux桌面,让窗口管理程序与VR连接,直接在VR中渲染Linux的桌面窗口,输入方式支持普...
From what I can tell, the pieces are almost there...we're just waiting on a few things and it should be "better".What's infuriating is that Oculus promised us support and then took it away for OSX and Linux. At the rate things are going, Valve will have something OpenVR-ish or ...
linuxmulti-platformvrviveoculusriftdriverhmdopenhmdpsvr UpdatedJan 26, 2024 C Create beautiful user interfaces for immersive VR/AR experiences. uiaugmented-realityuxvrviveoculusunity3dvirtual-realityunity-3duser-interfaceleap-motionuser-interactionuser-experienceoculus-touch ...
1. 执行驱动的下载网址: 下载驱动首先须要拥有一个oculus的帐号。点击Register进行注冊 3. 在注冊界面如(sui)实(bian)填写个人信息,填写项目从上至下分别为:帐户类型、姓、名、电子邮箱、确认电子邮箱、username、password、确认password、所在时区。后面三个选项全打勾。然后点击Regist...
Oculus on Mac 相信不少 VR 发烧友已经拿到 Oculus Rift DK2 了,先恭喜一下! 在这我想和大家分享一个好消息,今天 Oculus VR 发布了 SDK 0.4.1 beta,一大新增特性:支持 OS X 上的开发和测试——一同推出的还有 Mac 版 Oculus Runtime 以及 Unity Tuscany Demo。插一句,目前还没有关于 Linux 平台的相关消息...
Our development for OS X and Linux has been paused in order to focus on delivering a high quality consumer-level VR experience at launch across hardware, software, and content on Windows. We want to get back to development for OS X and Linux but we don’t have a timeline. ...
Our development for OS X and Linux has been paused in order to focus on delivering a high quality consumer-level VR experience at launch across hardware, software, and content on Windows. We want to get back to development for OS X and Linux but we don’t have a timeline. ...
Oculus virtual reality platform, including but not limited to the user experience, user interface, store, and social features, usable on Oculus approved hardware or any third-party device or operating system, including but not limited to iOS, Android, Windows, OS X, Linux, and Windows Mobile....
Step 11: Support Aspect Ratios 16:9 and 16:10 Step 12: Edit -> Preferences -> Oculus VR -> Check Optimize Builds for Rift Step 13:Build your game out as you normally would. It should create a "DirectToRift" build which you can run with your Oculus Rift headset hooked up. ...