Windows Defender has been off during installsNorton security still shows up in the logs even though I uninstalled it 2 months ago, could be the problem but IDK how to get rid of it because I cant find it anywhere else on my computer but the oculus download logsOculus support hasnt ...
✅ Oculus Software installation won't open.:recently I unistalled Aculus App due to an error. Trying to re installed it and nothing happend. I already deleted all the remaning files and nothing...
“But ultimately, the open platforms will win. They’re going to have a much better selection of software. HTC Vive is a completely open platform. And other headsets are coming that will be completely open. HTC Vive is outselling Oculus 2-to-1 worldwide. I think that trend will continue...
See Also: HTC Vive Headset Nearing 100,000 Install Base, Steam Data Suggests Each month, Valve runs a survey among Steam users to determine some baseline statistics about what kind of hardware and software is used by their population, and to see how things are changing over time. It hasn...