在Project窗口中,路径SteamVR/InteractionSystem/Samples下,双击打开Interactions_Example场景文件,点击Play按钮运行应用程序,效果如下图所示,此时场景中显示的手柄控制器为Oculus Touch,程序能够正常运行,同时能够实现场景中所有的交互功能,从而证明可以使用Quest通过Oculus Link有限串流进行SteamVR应用程序的开发。 体验效果 另...
Steam公布7月调查数据:Oculus Rift市场份额一路走高,占35.7% 根据 Valve Hardware 和 Software 联手发布的最新数据调查显示:持续的销量增长使得 Oculus Rift 在 Steam 中的市场份额创历史新高,但仍然未超过 HTC Vive 。Steam 是 HTC Vive 的内容分发平台,同时在技术上也支持 Oculus Rift ...
根据Valve Hardware&Software调查的最新数据,Oculus Rift在Steam的市场份额已经达到历史高点,虽然有了新的高点,但HTC Vive仍然占绝对的份额。SteamVR是HTC Vive的内容平台,虽然SteamVR技术上支持Rift,但是大部分Rift用户通过Oculus Home和Steam平台来下载其他头显没有的内容。每个月,Valve会在Steam用户之间进行一项调查...
软件安装:首先,需要下载并安装Oculus Software。您可以访问Oculus官方网站下载最新版本。在安装过程中,请务必选择安装在C盘中,以便系统能够正常启动。设置设备:安装完成后,打开Oculus Software,按照提示进行设备设置。在设置过程中,您需要将Oculus Rift S与电脑连接,并校准摄像头。这一步可能需要一些耐心,因为系统...
名称:iVRy for SteamVR (GearVR/Oculus App Installer) 类型:实用工具 开发商:Mediator Software 发行商:Mediator Software 发行日期:2020 年 12 月 31 日 访问网站X 查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查找社区组 嵌入 不支持简体中文 本产品尚未对您目前所在的地区语言提供支持。在购买请先行确认目前所支持的语言。
SteamVR Now Reminds Quest Users To Install & Start Oculus Software David Heaney 21 February 2022 Share to Reddit Share to Twitter Share to Facebook
I guess that if people would play Oculus/Steam games via Oculus Quest there is no reason for devs to develop for the Quest it self. Any software which provides this streaming is potentionally dismissing reason for developing Quest specific games. I gues that this viewpoint is probably too pes...
根据Steam平台的硬件及软件调查报告(Hardware & Software Survey)显示, Oculus Rift在Steam平台份额创了历史新高,同比上月的份额增长也创了历史新高,这应该要归功于夏季促销。目前Steam平台份额最大的仍是HTC Vive,但Oculus Rift与其差距正在缩小。Steam是HTC Vive的内容平台,但技术上也支持Oculus Rift。由于Oculus...
You’ll need to purchase “Virtual Desktop” from the Oculus Store for the wireless option,notthe version on Steam. This software costs $20 and may or may not work smoothly for you. Users report performance ranging from excellent to poor, so your mileage may vary depending on your setup. ...
Corruption with the installation of the Oculus software can be another reason for the error code 1114 on SteamVR. If the scenario is applicable, you can repair the Oculus software using the dedicated feature provided by Oculus. In case you are running an outdated version of Windows, it can ...