With this launch,YouTubeis now available on all major VR headsets. YouTube's app went live on Samsung's Gear VR headset, which is based on the same software as theOculus Go, this summer. The video service also launched versions of the app for HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR....
正如技术的名字一样高大上,VR设备的售价也非常高昂,Oculus Rift、Playstation VR、HTC Vive等最早的设备动辄数百甚至上千美元的售价让不少玩家吐槽太贵,虚拟现实仿佛成了有钱人才能接触到的玩物。 预售价599美元的Oculus Rift(图片源自lffmag) 2014年的谷歌I/O开发者大会发布的Google Cardboard将虚拟现实的门槛一...
在虚拟现实炒得火热时,Oculus公司的地位可以说是一时无两;然而经过一年多时间的洗礼,Oculus Rift如今永久降价到399美元,市场上仍然无人问津,实在是有些憋屈。不过,Facebook并没有打算轻易放弃,在去年的Oculus Connect 4大会上,扎克伯格带来了一款无需手机也不用电脑支持的VR一体机Oculus Go,同时也在今年初与小米合作,...
YouTube VR was a long time coming standalone app for Facebook's Oculus Go budget VR headset. If you are an Oculus Go owner, you can finally enjoy the rich VR-ready YouTube library, which happens to be the biggest one in the world. And, surprisingly or not, the media content on the...
5.Adjust your Oculus Rift settings:Open the Oculus app on your PC and navigate to the Settings tab. Here, you can customize various settings related to your Oculus Rift, such as audio, display, and tracking options. Adjust these settings according to your preferences and streaming requirements....
If you happen to have an Oculus Rift on hand (or happen to know someone who does), you can head on over and download Camera Simulator for free in theOculus Rift app store. Editors’ Recommendations We now know why Apple’s Reality Pro headset was delayed ...
“星座”(最初的Oculus Rift) 在设计Rift时,Oculus面临着提供与OptiTrack等数千美元的系统相同质量跟踪的挑战,但其成本却要低一个数量级。 每个被跟踪设备都有一个隐藏在外部塑料下的预定义红外LED“星座”。红外线对人眼是不可见的。 传感器基本上是带有过滤器的摄像头,只能看到红外光,通过USB线缆以60Hz的频率将...
最后我想提的VR玩法就是Visual desktop,这是一个能把电脑桌面在VR里以超大屏幕展示的APP。此类产品我推荐Bigscreen beta,APP里面提供很多不同的环境预设,我可以在私人电影院里,也可以身处森林里的篝火旁,还可以在宇宙银河中面对巨大的电脑桌面。虽然看电影和Youtubede的体验非常好,但是不要对玩League of legend这类...
先请各位看三个视频:EVR概念展示视频EVR舰载机从航母机库驶出,头戴显示器Oculus Rift (Eve Fanfest 2013)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdU-f456N-E(需翻墙) 我个人4月份体验… 怎么评价消费版 Oculus Rift CV1 599 美元的预售价格? Loki
If you don’t recognize the name Oculus, it’s the company that kicked off the modern VR era. Facebook (now Meta) was so impressed by the Oculus Rift developer kit and sudden revival of interest in VR that it acquired the company in 2014. Now Oculus founder Palmer Luckey is back with...