早前,社交网站Reddit上一名用户发言称Luckey曾表示Oculus Rift需要3到4个传感器来追踪用户位置。对此,Oculus Rift 的设计者回应称实际上只需配备2个传感器即可。“我从未说过那样的话,”Luckey解释道,“事实上,在我证明Oculus Rift可以实现用户追踪的演示中,我只使用了2个传感器,但我告诫人们,使用用户追踪功能比在...
英伟达基于AI的超级..除了发布新显卡外,英伟达在今天一则Reddit问答中证实了DLSS深度学习超采样抗锯齿技术的新版本已经推出。名为DLSS 2.1带来了一系列的重要创新,包括超级性能模式。另外,利用这一模式,为虚拟现实
I received my Oculus Rift on Thursday, March 31st, and excitedly set it up for the first time. I had pre-loaded the software onto my computer a couple of days earlier during the "launch day"1, so I was almost ready to go. Though my impressions of the Oculus Rift and the arrival of...
Coming 2024, Zombie Army VR will be available on PlayStation VR2, Meta Quest 2, 3 and Pro, Oculus Rift, and PC headsets via Steam. Following the story of the Zombie Army series, in Zombie Army VR you return to the field as one of the Deadhunters, an elite squad that is hunting ...
对于卡马克离职去研究AI这事儿,Reddit 上讨论得热火朝天,不少网友都对他的新选择抱有非常高的期待。有网友的评论比较中肯: “约翰·卡马克无疑是世界上最好的软件工程师之一。他的情况最终将取决于我们目前在开发AGI上遇到的障碍是由工程、硬件还是理论(或它们的组合)造成的。如果只是把我们已经用正确的方式开发出来...
Step 5: Then visit the page ofOculus software downloadand click the button ofDownload Oculus Rift Softwareto get the OculusSetup.exe file. Step 6: Double-click on the exe file in Windows 10 and clickGet Startedto begin the installation. ...
目前Facebook AR 在与移动社交平台的结合上还没有探索出特别好的方式,因此,公司也在尝试打造面向C端的产品线,Oculus Rift、Oculus Go和Portal 就是Facebook推出的三款消费级产品。 在2019年第三季度电话会议上,扎克伯格承认,Facebook的虚拟现实野心没有达到预期。但他依然认为VR在Facebook上拥有光明的未来。
Some will claim that without 6DoF (rotation and position) you can’t get fully immersed and reach “presence” nirvana. There is some truth to this, as many simulations and experiences I’ve worked on have targeted desktop VR with full 6DoF head and hands – such as with Oculus Rift, HTC...
因为Oculus Rift消费版的槽点实在是太多了!1.首先价格贵到炸裂,599美元(折合人民币3927元),预计3月...
Quest能达到Oculus Rift这样的高端系留头显级别的位置追踪体验,同时提供更大的自由度和更大的便利性。最...