经过长达一天的紧急抢修处理,Oculus终于放出了修正这个问题的专用补丁,只需登上www.oculus.com/rift-patch/就能找到下载链接。细心的朋友应该已经注意到了,想要利用默认的线路打开这个域名似乎还需要点额外的手段,不过对于已经能在自己家中体验Oculus Rift的朋友来说,这个小麻烦显然不是什么问题。顺带一提,虽然宕机...
打开系统托盘并右键单击Revive App。从右键菜单并选择Patch选项。 11.在弹出窗口导航至Oculus应用程序的安装位置(默认情况下为C:\Oculus Apps\Software)。打开游戏的文件夹,然后点击可执行文件并打开游戏。 注意:这个过程将修改游戏的可执行文件,从而可以支持ALVR。你可以把游戏的快捷方式添加到桌面。 12.请确保ALVR服务...
Hooray, Rift support is complete. As I noticed, people were trying to achieve this in Blender and had similar problems, due to this bug. If you want Oculus Rift rendering support, try my example blend file and apply Moguri’s patch to Blender. Share this: Twitter Facebook Loading......
如果你配置不行那么就彻底关闭CSP让游戏以原版形式运行。点击Settings -> COSTOM SHADER PATCH -> GENERAL PATCH SETTINGS,然后取消shaders patch active的勾选以彻底shader patch。注意VR模式下头显画面会显得过曝严重,你需要用键盘的Page Up和Page Down对曝光进行调整。 如果阳春版本下仍然帧数不足,可以削减反射渲染...
Fixed a potential memory corruption issue on Rift when calculating mirror view rects Issue where enabling mobile Depth Submission could cause crashes on application startup if MSAA was disabled. The problem was fixed in Unity 2020.3 and above. To get the fix, install the latest patch release of...
README.md Update Oculus Rift software link. Aug 29, 2023 Revive.sln Remove reviveoverlay from solution file. Aug 8, 2022 appcast.xml Update appcast.xml Mar 24, 2023 appveyor.yml Update appveyor.yml Mar 20, 2023 fix-vcpkg-openxr-static-loader.patch Update static loader patch. Aug 8, 20...
(Supplementary Video2).c, ZEMAX model of the mouse eye.d, Lateral and back view of the enucleated albino mouse eye during projection. The gray patch indicates optical nerve stump.e, Ray-traced simulation of retinal projection with the distortion-corrected optical system of Moculus with a ...
1. Using Oculus Rift S 2. Used Oculus Tray Tool and set my super sampling to 1.5 3. Launch Star Wars Squadrons and go to practice (or any other mode) 4. During flight my mouse cursor is not in the center of the screen - this makes me turning left all the time. ...
of speaking about VR’s promise and it often being declared dead on arrival, VR and more specifically the portable wonder that is the Oculus Quest 2 mobile Virtual Reality headset had become as seemingly popular as Cabbage Patch dolls, or the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in decades past....
Test it works with your Rift by running “Oculus Home”: Step 3. Install and setup Unity 3d At this time (22 April 2016), the officially recommended version of Unity is a patch build v5.3.4p1. You can use Unity as the free or professional (licensed) version to create VR. The profe...