I did find a website that sells head tracking-enabled porn offering videos from a female point of view, but that's about as progressive as VR smut gets at this early stage of its existence. Still, it's a steadily growing subculture of indie Rift development, and it'll undoubtedly get ...
Tribeca, Venice and SXSW) happening in the Museum of Other Realities, full-body tracking, LBE [location-based events], live theater in VRChat and NeosVR. It’s an open platform that’ll never really die.
Using an Oculus Rift, the Leap Motion controller and a beta run of Unity 4.6, [Tomáš Mariančík] put together a test environment for physical interaction. TheLeap Motioncontroller is capable of tracking your fingers with extremely high detail, which allows him to create a pair of virtual...
After having criticized Oculus about its tracking issues and how its updates were making things even worse (unless you used Duct Tape, of course… duct tape fixes everything!), today I have to say “Bravo!” to its guys. The new Update they’ve released for the Rift, the 1.12, seems ...
“Though the Kinect offers full-body motion tracking, it lacks accuracy compared to a multicamera based tracking system,” Mossel says. “The projects I mentioned all require very precise position and orientation tracking, so the Kinect would not be enough. More-affordable and also ea...
The field of view for both the Rift and the Vive HMDs are 110 degrees each although the Vive’s view appears to be slightly taller. The Rift uses infrared light in its tracking camera for head tracking while the Vive uses sensors coupled with a laser tracking system. Both HMDs also utiliz...
valve prototype used such a camera to read fiducial markers on the walls for tracking, but oculus seems to intend it for some very different applications. for one, carmack says, it can function as a pass-through camera, allowing rift-wearing users to see what's happening in the real world...
Oculus VR unveiled its next-generation Rift headset, a higher-resolution pair of virtual reality goggles that remove the need for external cameras by incorporating built-in tracking. The name of the device, as rumored by numerous reports over the last 12
render with 360-degree immersion. It certainly doesn't have the 3D spatial tracking or infrared positional scanning like the more advanced headsets such as the HTC Vive or the Oculus Rift, but the Google Cardboard is basic enough for a general VR experience like the one Pornhub wants to ...
this year, the company is sticking firm to its plan to focus on standing, front-facing VR experiences for motion input. Though it’s claimed that Touch can match the ‘roomscale’ tracking of the HTC Vive, Oculus is skeptical that such a large tracking space will appeal widely to ...