The Oculus Rift brought back virtual reality and put a modern twist on it. Jump into the fun and take a look at the best Oculus Rift games available right now.
The Rift can disconnect from your computer for a variety of reasons, most of which are related to either the software or hardware you have installed on your machine. These problems are often the result of the main headset component of the Rift not playing nice with your system’s USB ports...
Almost all motherboards have more than one USB controller. Different USB ports on it may be connected to different USB controllers. The easiest way to find out which USB controller will work is to simply try plugging the Rift S into every USB port and seeing which has issues and which does...
•Ideally, target 20ms or less motion-to-photon latency (measurable with the Rift’s built-in latency tester). Organise your code to minimize the time from sensor fusion (reading the Rift sensors) to rendering. •Game loop latency is not a single constant and varies over time. The SDK...
While there have been attempts to methodically reverse-engineer details that could reveal Oculus' shipping plans, there's not an obvious pattern to how long a given Rift is delayed. Some people have reported getting bumped from March to early May or even June, while others have reported ...
but the implication of the Rift S’s internalized camera sensors is that occlusion issues will be amplified. Controller occlusion from turning away from the Constellation sensors is already an issue with the Rift, and tracking the controllers will get even trickier for the Rift S. The Rift S ...
We’ve also observed people who, instead of turning their head to look, used the gamepad to turn around and then groaned and said, “I did not like that, at all.” You can prevent both of these scenarios by •Making it clear to the user when to put on the Rift ...
After an impressive three-year tour of duty for Oculus’ first PC VR headset, the Rift, along comes the Rift S. Oculus bills the headset not as a sequel, but a remaster. With a focus on ease of use, Rift S aims to make VR more accessible and playable than ever, but that’s ...
Then there’s the Oculus Rift. “The price and the quality of the Rift can help VR to spread into different technology fields and not only gaming,” says Mossel. Oculus VR managed to move more than 7500 developer versions of its headset (priced at $300) in its 30 days on ...
When paired with the proper hardware, the Oculus Rift is far superior to PlayStation VR, and light years ahead of Google Cardboard and Samsung Gear VR, both of which only rely on the power of your cell phone to gaze into the plane of virtual reality. It's not quite as immersive or ...