Easy Fix Broken Controller Analog Stick Drift on Oculus Quest Rift S with or without Disassembly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBKMmDKKfEY Oculus Rift S controller Teardown https://zh.ifixit.com/Teardown/Oculus+Rift+S+controller+Teardown/139870 前期准备: 你需要:T5螺丝刀、放螺丝的零件盒、...
Still, some disassembly instructions would have been nice! 步骤6 First out: that USB 3.0 Cable. Despite being embedded in the heart of the Constellation, this is a standard USB 3.0 peripheral connector, swappable in the event of catastrophic failure. (Though we're at a loss as to how you...
Oculus Rift S controller Teardown https://zh.ifixit.com/Teardown/Oculus+Rift+S+controller+Teardown/139870 前期准备: 你需要:T5螺丝刀、放螺丝的零件盒、拆机撬棒 * 2(可以用刮锡刀代替)、尖头镊子、弯头镊子 首先是取下外壳 外壳 取下这两个螺丝后,从手柄的尾部系绳子那里开始撬 ...
Easy Fix Broken Controller Analog Stick Drift on Oculus Quest Rift S with or without Disassembly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBKMmDKKfEY Oculus Rift S controller Teardown https://zh.ifixit.com/Teardown/Oculus+Rift+S+controller+Teardown/139870 前期准备: 你需要:T5螺丝刀、放螺丝的零件盒、...