- improved mouse emulation precision- code changes for newly released library version (add VR to your game development!)- added 1 minute break between sessions in test version 楠珂 中级粉丝 2 不太会啊TAT楼主救我i 韩银山888 初级粉丝 1 太好了 韩银山888 初级粉丝 1 太好了 ...
Define oculus. oculus synonyms, oculus pronunciation, oculus translation, English dictionary definition of oculus. n. pl. oc·u·li Architecture An eyelike opening or ornament, especially: a. A round window. b. A circular opening at the apex of a dome. A
Console gamers will get their version. I'm looking forward to watching interstellar on my brand new rift! :D 我个人是可以接受的。虽然它价格很高,但是别忘了我们大多数人都会轻易花费相同价格在最新的手机上。在我看来那些买最新款iPhone的人,尤其是那些人同时拥有两台最新手机的人是很可笑的。然而就是这...
Oculus unveiled a new prototype of theRift virtual reality headsetat CES today, complete with positional tracking and an OLED display that features low persistence for less motion blur and a more comfortable experience for players. The new prototype has been dubbed “Crystal Cove.” The additio...
Oculus Rift开发 虚幻引擎 5.0 开始 Oculus使用前准备 关于设置Oculus头显以适配虚幻项目的信息。 Rift命令参考 Rift可使用的诸多命令。 指南 vr platform oculus rift desktop vr 提问并帮助你的同行开发者论坛 编写你自己的教程或阅读其他人的教程学习库
选择了登录meta账号,用Steam内置浏览器挂加速器注册了meta账号,到最后一步点了继续结果报了错误页面,好像是网址无效,貌似是Oculus的一个网址,设备型号是Oculus rift CV1,求各位懂的回复下,强烈感谢!#Oculus##VR# 贴吧用户_aNCQ58b 初级粉丝 1 老哥解决了么?我也是cv1,好久没用不知道怎么连了 贴吧用户_...
Oculus Rift DK1. 640×800 pixels. 90 deg. H.FOV. Over fills camera FOV. 8.44 arcmin/pixel Positional Tracking The next biggest thing provided by DK2 is the positional tracking using the LEDs under the DK2 hood and the external camera. This is really a nice feature. It’s quite convinci...
Download and install Oculus Rift Software. When you get to "Select Your Headset", choose to "Skip". Download the latest Revive installer. Install Revive in your preferred directory. Start SteamVR if it's not already running. Put on the headset, open the dashboard and click the new Revive...
the new Oculus Go is significantly undercutting the $599 launch price of the Rift, which has seen its own price cut to $399 since it launched about a year and a half ago. But the Go is not just a less expensive version of the Rift. It’s a self-contained VR system, providing untet...
This new innovative and immersive title blends films and games into one, and will be available on the Oculus Store for Oculus Rift and Steam with OpenVR support and cross-platform play. "The Medal of Honor franchise has always been a powerful series that tells the untold stories of war ...