Oculus Rift的售价在全球引起了轩然大波,Oculus CEO Palmer Luckey随后立刻出面在社交媒体上解释道Oculus Rift当前售价并不能会其为公司带来经济效益。他表示高端的虚拟现实设备是十分昂贵的,而相比起来Rift的售价已经十分的便宜。不过话虽如此,Rift这一售价对普通玩家来说仍然难以承受。 重申一下,我们根本不能通过卖Oc...
Oculus Rift只会在商品正式发货前收取预定金。同时接受预定的还有1499美元版套餐(包含599美元版内容+一台满足Oculus Rift对接要求的预装PC)。 而预购的消费者还将获得率先预定Oculus touch手柄的资格,但这款手柄并不会在3月份与Oculus Rift一同配送,而是预计在2016年晚些时候推出。所以先买Oculus Rift就等于先得Touch,...
另外,官方还为用户推出了一个高端套餐包,售价1499美元,里面除了Oculus Rift CV1标准套装外,还包括一台能够满足Oculus Rift眼镜运行的PC电脑。 具体的配置要求: 显卡:NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD R9 290 equivalent or greater 处理器:Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater 内存:8GB+ RAM 输出:Compatible HDMI 1.3 vide...
Oculus Rift只会在商品正式发货前收取预定金。同时接受预定的还有1499美元版套餐(包含599美元版内容+一台满足Oculus Rift对接要求的预装PC)。 而预购的消费者还将获得率先预定Oculus touch手柄的资格,但这款手柄并不会在3月份与Oculus Rift一同配送,而是预计在2016年晚些时候推出。所以先买Oculus Rift就等于先得Touch,...
output: Compatible HDMI 1.3 video output input: 3x USB 3.0 ports plus 1x USB 2.0 port operating system: Windows 7 SP1 64 bit or newer 1499美金的Oculus套装包含一台可以流畅运行Oculus Rift的PC电脑 除了599美金的Oculus Rift套装之外,官方还将会发售一套1499美金的套装版本,这个版本要比599贵出900美金,...
TheOculus Rift, which is available for pre-order, will begin shipping out later this month to PC users. While Mac support was planned early on, work on a Mac versionwas haltedonce it became clear Mac machines would not have thegraphics capabilitiesto power the headset. ...
Compatible HDMI 1.3 video output 2 USB 3.0 ports Windows 7 SP1 or newer A postby Atman Binstock, chief architect at Oculus, states, “The Rift will be capable of delivering comfortable presence for nearly everyone. However, this requires the entire system working well…We believe this ‘it ...
The developer should take care of some common mistakes, VR is a brand-new ecosystem with a huge barrier to enter, Rift is used in high-end PC and it should be good and compatible. Because after spending money to buy top snipper VR game, or other VR games the customer expect much from...
Oculus founder Palmer Luckey was asked during an interview when the will they be adding Mac support to the Rift. His answer was simple, when Apple releases a good computer. Other than being the burn of the year so far, it's also true. Luckey's reasoning is that the current...