quest2作为目前最好用的VR一体机之一,可以脱离PC随时随地游玩VR游戏,也可以通过官网的link有线,virtual desktop alvr等第三方软件无线串流PC上数以千计的VR游戏,但是你是否想过,我们可以通过quest2远程游玩PC上的vr游戏,比较PCvr游戏从数量上和质量上都是秒杀一体机游戏的存在,今天这篇教程,就是为了让大家能够在任...
Yea...good for those who bough the Quest. However it's a bit of a middle finger to consumers like me who bought the Rift S as the PC platform set. Had I known they'd change their mind about being strictly a "stand alone" I would have bought the Quest instead due to its infinitel...
2019年8月上线Oculus Quest/Go以及Gear VR的VR游戏:Stickman Counter Terror Strike (Free) – August 1st – Oculus Go, Gear VR Golf 4 WIPP Championship 2019 (Free) – August 1st – Oculus Go, Gear VR Foton VR: Learn Science Easily (Free) – August 1st – Oculus Go The Vox VR (Free) ...
Oculus咨询CTO John Carmack通过Twitter回应了一则相关投诉,表明Quest 2确实不支持Go应用。 John Carmack回复说:“我完全输掉了向后兼容的内部争论。” Oculus发展过程中,Carmack推动公司于2015年构建基于智能手机的Gear VR头显,并最终于2018年将其融入3DOF一体机Oculus Go。
If you’re using Oculus Quest 2 with a Link cable on PC but the mic isn’t working, don’t worry. In this post, you’ll learn 4 easy & quick fixes to get your VR headset mic back to life. Try these fixes: Here are 4 methods that helped other users with the Oculus Quest 2 mi...
Oculus has announced a number of new features for the Quest 2, including a way to wirelessly play PC VR games on the headset.
Go all in with an ergonomic strap, built-in battery and carrying case. Quest 2 Elite Strap Enhance your comfort and support with an easily adjustable ergonomic strap. Oculus Link Cable Connect your headset to a compatible gaming PC to access the Rift content library. Quest...
Oculus Link确实是一个两全其美的选择:在接入PC时可畅玩Rift高端游戏;在外旅途时又可充分发挥Quest的便捷性和可移植性。Go on a Quest 体验来自Oculus Go on Quest的各种流行应用程序。对于很多人来说,Oculus Go是进入VR世界的第一步。在它发布后的短短时间里,我们看到了一些很棒的应用程序在这个平台上发布...
Oculus Link PC串流方案 除了手势识别外,扎克伯格还公布最新的Oculus Link串联方案,而这项技术同样服务于Quest平台。Oculus Link这项功能将允许用户使用USB-C来连接PC,以此来访问Rift平台中丰富、高清、高功耗的Rift资源。这对于目前Quest资源不是那么充裕的状况下,是一个赋予设备内容拓展性的战略布局,同时也赋予用户...