4786 5 9:31 App 【中文字幕】Oculus Quest玩转PCVR游戏教程 1799 1 17:51 App 机器人大冒险VR大作《Stormland》 中文字幕首发护航oculus rift s 1289 -- 9:56 App 现场烹饪屠夫 - I Am Cat VR(我是猫 VR) 2374 2 11:44 App 【中文字幕】画面对比Oculus Quest VS PC-ROBO RECALL【机械重装】VR...
步骤一:打开手机上的Oculus App,连接你的Oculus Quest设备,选择该设备下拉框中的“更多设置”,在“更多设置”菜单中启用“开发者模式”。(你可能还需要去Oculus官网注册成为开发者)步骤二:通过Oculus Quest自带充电线的另一端连接到电脑(电脑需要有Type-C接口),然后依次在Windows 10系统中的“设置” > “...
The Oculus desktop application allows you tomonitor Oculus devicesand evencustomize VR settings. With its browsing and managing capabilities, it eliminates the need for third-party applications. The app will prove itself worthwhile forOculus QuestandOculus Goowners as it will allow you to broadcast y...
You’ll need a reasonably powerful PC to play Rift and Steam games on Quest via Oculus Link & Air Link, though many modern gaming PCs with NVIDIA or AMD graphics cards will fit the bill. Here’s the PC hardware you’ll need for Quest, Quest 2, Quest 3, and Quest Pro to work on ...
Update Windows 10 If the Oculus Quest software won’t install on your PC, you can try to upgrade Windows since the update may come with bug fixes including the issue of Oculus desktop app not installing. Step 1: ClickStart > Settings > Update & Security. ...
Update your Quest and Oculus App: Your Quest firmware must be on at least version 11.0 or higher to support Oculus Link. You can check this, and try and force a manual update, in the Quest settings. Your Oculus PC app must be updated to at least version 1.43, which you can check by...
Oculus Quest Software Improvements Could Aim VR For Chromebook Market Ian Hamilton 20 April 2021 Share to Reddit Share to Twitter Share to Facebook
用户可通过设置/Settings > 实验性功能/Experimental Features > 120 Hz为Quest 2应用启用120Hz刷新率选项(实验性)。 用于演示高频手部追踪、手姿势识别和手势的HandPoseShowcase。参见示例/Oculus/HandPoseShowcase。 2.2 漏洞修复 即便PC没有按照Oculus app,OculusVR项目设置现在都可以出现在Unreal Engine中。
Issue:Hello. When I try to install the Oculus app I get the “We encountered an error during installation” error message. What should I do? Solved Answer Users of the Rift and Quest 2 may find it frustrating to run into the “We encountered an error during installation” problem with th...
1.首先在电脑安装一下adb,然后按照视频操作,把quest2关闭后同时按下电源键和音量减号键,进入一个设置界面,通过音量键选到“sideload update”按电源键进入sideload模式,此时头盔的指示灯会变成蓝紫色,屏幕会一片漆黑; 2.通过usb把头盔连到电脑上,然后依照视频或网站的教学执行操作,但安装了很多次都在中途显示失败了...