根据NyanBlade的说法,这两个剪辑可以通过Oculus app APK作为应用内数据访问。 用户只需要提取APK并前往以下位置:Oculus Quest Welcome Video:\res\raw\rkjsmodules_apps_oculus_settings_video_monterey_hsw.mp4 Oculus Quest Setup Guide:\res\raw\rkjsmodules_apps_oculus_nux_steps_video_monterey_nux.mp4 https...
用户只需要提取APK并前往以下位置: Oculus Quest Welcome Video: \res\raw\rkjsmodules_apps_oculus_settings_video_monterey_hsw.mp4 Oculus Quest Setup Guide: \res\raw\rkjsmodules_apps_oculus_nux_steps_video_monterey_nux.mp4 https://vrscout.com/news/oculus-quest-welcome-video-leak/...
VR/AR/MR Oculus Quest2 激活 https://testerhome.com/topics/32592 Unity + Oculus Qeust 原型开发配置 https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv14766721?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0 Sidequest官网 https://sidequestvr.com/setup-howto Oculus Quest 2 激活+安装第三方软件+电脑串流教程+Steam串流方式 https://gi...
Yes, the Oculus Quest 2supports Bluetooth headphones. However, there is no guarantee that all wireless devices will work smoothly with this VR gaming console. If your Bluetooth headphones are not fully compatible with your Oculus Quest 2, the two devices will still pair, but you may experience ...
https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv14766721?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0 Sidequest官网 https://sidequestvr.com/setup-howto Oculus Quest 2 激活+安装第三方软件+电脑串流教程+Steam串流方式 https://gizvr.cn/threads/oculus-quest-2-steam.5/ 感谢你的阅读,如果有帮到你,请点个赞吧~...
ocguide.eyw015.com/ques Oculus Quest2 LINK 使用教程及可能遇到的问题 zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/35 VR/AR/MR Oculus Quest2 激活 testerhome.com/topics/3 Unity + Oculus Qeust 原型开发配置 bilibili.com/read/cv147 Sidequest官网 sidequestvr.com/setup-h Oculus Quest 2 激活+安装第三方软件+电脑串流教程...
Quest 2电池在平均5.6W功耗下续航为2.5小时。 将扬声器线从扬声器固定器上取下。 从扬声器固定器和USB接口上卸下7个0#十字螺丝 用撬棒卸下扬声器固定器 移除USB充电口和扬声器固定器。 步骤23卸下簧片 用小螺丝刀顶起簧片的顶片。 用尖嘴钳取下簧片。
Easy Setup PLAY EXPLORE CREATE Explore our library of Oculus Quest 2 games and experiences. DISCOVER ALL TITLES THE CLIMB 2 Enjoy the view from the top as you climb to new heights. JURASSIC WORLD AFTERMATH Jurassic World Aftermath is a suspenseful, survival VR adventure ...
You’ll need to connect the Oculus Quest or Quest 2 again before using it. If you don’t know, follow ourguide to set up your Oculus Quest correctly. Once done, check if the error is resolved. Hopefully you’re able to fix the Oculus hardware error with one of the methods above. Pl...
Download the Oculus software fromhttps://www.meta.com/quest/setup/. Run the installer and select “Repair” during installation. Follow on-screen instructions to complete the repair. Check USB Drivers Ensures proper communication between the Oculus Link cable and the computer. There may be an out...