EncodeResolutionWidth: 这个设置影响我们编码画质的分辨率宽度,首先我们要知道一些基本参数, Quest2单眼屏幕分辨率:1832x1920 Quest3单眼屏幕分辨率:2064x2208 这意味着Quest2的游戏渲染分辨率为:3664x1920 所以如果你用的是Quest2,那么这个选项应该填写3664,这样就能获得1:1的点对点渲染分辨率,如果是Q3,那就填写4128。
Encode resolutionis a critical setting to getting the most out of the Quest 2. It is the size that the render will encode into before being sent and shrunk down to display. I notice no performance hit to setting it to 3969, and going much above 4000 caused some issues. Setting 2.0 on ...
The Quest 2 uses a 1920 x 1832 resolution display for each eye, but because of its lenses, that’s not the resolution we actually see (via UploadVR). For starters, the lenses are circular whereas the screen is rectangular, so the corners are cut off – and Meta has li...
3. Modify visual settings 3.1 Reset graphics preferences Launch the PC app. LocateDevices, then clickMeta Quest and Touch. UnderAdvanced, clickGraphics Preferences. ClickReset to Default. ClickOK. To apply the changes, the headset and app will restart. 3.2 Reduce resolution Unplug Quest 2 from ...
虽然本人之前有过PSVR,但是对于Quest 2和PCVR也是新人一枚,刚好本人也是赛车游戏爱好者,因此这里对自己用VR游玩赛车游戏的经验做个总结,一是安利一下Quest 2这个设备,二是希望玩家能跳过那些繁琐与令人沮丧的部分,直接快进体会其中的快乐。那就话不多说,先从几个常见问题的 Q&A开始吧!
DevOculus-Meta-Quest/Oculus_Tray_Managermain 3 Branches 0 Tags Code Folders and filesLatest commit Eliminater74 Initial Port e224ca6· Sep 11, 2024 History2 Commits .vs Initial Port Sep 11, 2024 CoreAudioApi/Interfaces Initial Port Sep 11, 2024...
As stated above I'm using the Quest 2 and a Link cable connected to an USB 3.2 gen 2 type-C port on my motherboard. My Graphics settings in oculus are: Refresh rate: 90hz Render resolution at 1.3x Cable test shows 2.3 Gbps USB 3I've measured the FPS...
Oculus Quest 2是Oculus迄今為止最先進的All-in-one VR系統。 無需PC或遊戲主機。 以無與倫比的自由探索各種令人敬畏的遊戲和沈浸式體驗。 Product Description Excellent performance can be expected Under unparalleled freedom, explore amazing games and experiences ...
Holding down the power button causes a hard reboot of the Oculus Quest, which can fix a variety of difficulties such as a black screen. Change Display Resolution In some cases, changing the display resolution, for example, from widescreen to 4:3, helped users resolve similar issues with Virtu...
Yeah I think that’s the plan, for not it’s still experimental, but Oculus has been clear that they want to integrate PC streaming directly with the Quest interface. Some info here: https://www.roadtovr.com/oculus-link-quest-2-90hz-resolution-native-interface-upgrade/ ...