Forum:Windows Support D Question / HelpWhere is 'Video Capture Group' and 'relative'? Hi all, new here. I'm tryng to follow the instructions here: It says to 'Add a Video Capture Group to each group' ...
With a Quest2 or HP Reverb G2 the pixels are so small you really don't need much AA. You only need enough to get rid of any shimmering on edges of things in the distance. So I use FXAA 2x and that was baseline. This gets rid of any shimmer for me and also smooths edges very ...
Quest2 是可以全身追踪的 网上很多人都没有提到,说Quest的追踪性能不好,但其实Quest也是可以支持灯塔方案的,灯塔控制器是和Steam VR绑定的而不是和头盔绑定的 其他的方案还有 1.用Kinect来追踪的低成本方案 2.用普通手机/电脑的摄像头来追踪的 超低成本方案 分享1赞 oculus吧 lucifer0874 【210922】关于quest2 ...
Oculus Quest2是一款无线的虚拟现实设备,提供高质量的VR游戏和移动游戏体验。配备增强现实技术,让用户可以在现实世界中与虚拟元素进行互动。无需连接电脑或控制器,Oculus Quest2提供了更自由、更便捷的虚拟现实体验。通过穿戴该设备,用户可以沉浸式地体验各种精彩的虚拟
Quest 2属于VR ,单眼是几乎1:1的分辨率,支持陀螺仪,也就是你摇头你看到的东西也会跟着摇动变化。vr游戏就是因为这样才有更真实,体验无敌,能玩VR游戏这点是头戴显示器永远达不到的境界!比如艾利克斯和光剑只能用VR设备玩。 Quest 2支持XBOX的手柄 ,VD之后也能当头戴显示器远程玩普通PC游戏,代价是牺牲分辨率(VR...
这里提供最新最快oculus quest 游戏资源安装包和交流平台。 vr魔趣 oculus quest破解游戏资源安装包,
内存:6GB RAM(Quest 1是4GB)重量:503克,比上一代轻10% 体积:191.5毫米 x 102毫米 x 142.... 到了这里,oculus quest 2对你来说和国产vr就没什么不同了,正常的激活、更新、使用就醒了。 最后附上支持梅林的路由和京东价格,建议有钱ax86u,没钱ax3000本文为我原创本文禁止转载或摘编 梅林 路由 vr oculus quest v2ray ...
I am amazed by the answers that Intel support is giving, always doing a copy-paste in response to a problem from more than 2 years ago in which there is no compatibility with the Oculus Quest VR app software. My problem has been trusting Intel products and buying an ARC 770 16 GB that...
Solved: I have an AMD W5100 in my desktop PC, when I want ton connect Quest 2 with Oculus link and play Project Cars, I have sound in Quest 2, but no image.