2.确定alvr的路径没有中文 比如:C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Quest家园PC端_C\plugin\alvr 这里面就含有中文,我们需要把中文部分改成英文3.启动ALVR时,提示授权时,公用网络和私有网络都勾上4.如果你的电脑有杀毒软件,尤其是360,先关闭它(杀毒软件会自动拦截Alvr的一些内容)如果还是解决不了问题,再看下面的其他解决...
SteamVR - Error code 301 这里先直接给出我的解决方法。 解决方法:将你的桌面端的Oculus软件更新到最新版本,这个过程需要在Oculus Quest 2设备中进行,在VR设备内找到设置选项并进行更新操作。通常你会在桌面端的Oculus软件中看见这条更新提示。 Solution: Update your desktop Oculus software to the latest version...
1. 在安装 Oculus 之前,断开 Quest 2/Rift 耳机与 PC 的连接一些用户表示,他们在运行 Oculus 安装程序之前断开 VR 耳机的连接,解决了“我们遇到错误”的安装问题。 因此,请确保您的 Rift 或 Quest 2 耳机未连接到您的电脑。 然后尝试在未将 VR 耳机连接到 PC 的情况下安装 Oculus 软件。2. ...
Tips to Avoid Oculus Quest 2’s “No Command” Issue The“No Command”error on the Oculus Quest 2 is avoidable. Fortunately, the steps to prevent it on your device are straightforward. Here are the tips you can follow to avoid the“No Command”issue on your Oculus Quest 2: Keep the De...
Factory reset your Oculus Quest or Quest 2 Fix 1 – Check for connection The Oculus hardware error may indicate the failure to detect your VR headset or sensor. So the very first thing you should do is to check the connection. And here are a few basic steps to troubleshoot: ...
Oculus Quest 2的使用体验26(下)这篇文章接上周的继续介绍: 第四章节——画笔。工作室的大门上方写着“what if you fail”,我再次走出工作室,门外的走廊看起来新了许多呀,两侧的地上都点满了蜡烛,伴随着传…
I am trying to connect my Oculus Quest 2 to Premiere Pro's immersive environment and am not able to. Steam is correctly installed and the headset works to view the computer--but the two devices do not seem to connect. I get an error message that says:...
Often an error code is a result of out-of-date software. Running a quick check through the app or your quest can force a download and update of all the software on both devices. Updating is done easily by following these simple steps. Oculus App: Open the Oculus App Navigate to settin...
【官方OculusQuest2设置使用教程】https://yivian.com/news/78940.html电脑登陆Oculus客户端时提示报错error OVR40779122解决办法https://tieba.baidu.com/p/6824993050 围城 吧主 12 六、固件更新https://yivian.com/news/73814.html众多群友反映第一时间更新固件后总是会出现一些BUG因此我推荐至少要等新固件发布...