Oculus Quest 2 精英头戴(含电池和保护壳版)现已在百思买开售 自从Oculus Quest 2推出后,官方的Elite Strap(带电池和便携箱的背带)基本就找不到了。不过截至本文发稿时,你可以从百思买以129美元的价格买到一条。目前,Elite Strap with Battery and Carrying Case在其他地方仍然缺货,在Oculus官网只是显示了...
+2View all Oculus Oculus Quest 2 Elite Strap with Battery and Carrying Case for Enhanced Comfort and Playtime in VR 4.1 stars out of 21 reviews (4.1)|21 ratingsUnrated Now $99.99 You save $29.01 was $129.00$129.00 You save$29.01 Price when purchased online A...
Elite Strap(硬性头戴配件)49美元,带有电池扩展的Elite Battery Strap配件售价129美元。 其中,VR Cover的泡棉售价29美元;罗技G333入耳式耳机售价50美元,据悉该耳机专为Quest 2设计;罗技辑G Pro头戴耳机,售价100美元。 停掉PC VR产品线 我在Quest 2发售前就一个希望,可以实现类似PC VR的Oculus Link模式,从今天Oc...
Quest 2 Elite表带($ 49 USD): 默认的Quest 2表带是魔术贴设计,与Oculus Rift、Oculus Go和Oculus Quest是一样的。值得注意的是,这个配件旨在解决原始Quest 的VR Power。 Quest 2 Elite表带+电池组+收纳盒($ 129 USD): Elite表带和便携包,再加上Elite Strap的内置电池组的集合。顺带一提,该电池组可插入VR...
Quest 2 Carrying Case Secure your headset, Elite Strap or Elite Strap With Battery, two controllers and cables. Quest 2 Elite Strap with Battery and Carrying Case Go all in with an ergonomic strap, built-in battery and carrying case. Quest 2 Elite Strap Enhance your comfort and ...
Safeguard your VR equipment with our Oculus Quest 2 Carrying Case. Portable and lightweight, perfect for on-the-go!
2718 -- 1:52 App Oculus Quest 2 Setup Tutorial :常见问题解答 1595 -- 2:51 App Oculus Quest 2 | 只需要复制粘贴即可安装Q2版剑与魔法MOD 1045 1 1:07 App Oculus Quest 2 | 荣誉勋章:超越巅峰将会在Quest2上发布 698 -- 12:59 App Oculus Quest 2 Gameplay | 冒险解谜游戏 Down the Rabbi...
根据军方2月份发布的预算要求,美国陆军计划在2021财年末之前向士兵部署40000多套IVAS头显。 Oculus叫停Quest 2 Elite Strap发货安排,专注排查缺陷头戴断裂成因 前不久,我们报道了一些订购Quest2 Elite Strap和Elite Battery Strap头戴用户陆续在网络反应出现质量问题导致裂缝甚至断裂的情况。现在,这批用户终于等到了Oculus...
Quest 2 Carrying Case Secure your headset, Elite Strap or Elite Strap With Battery, two controllers and cables. Quest 2 Elite Strap with Battery and Carrying Case Go all in with an ergonomic strap, built-in battery and carrying case. Quest 2 Elite Strap Enhance your comfort and ...
4. 通过Quest 2为商业客户带来更好的体验 这家公司在Facebook Connect大会正式发布了Oculus Quest 2。这款全新的VR一体机为企业客户提供了众多功能和好处。设备拥有更强的计算性能和符合人体工学的设计,并可与全新的Elite Strap with Battery搭配使用以增加续航能力和长时间佩戴的舒适性。Oculus表示,Quest 2十分适合...