Oculus Quest 游戏《VR吃鸡:大逃杀VR》POPULATION: ONE VR 【版本】:2023年6月7号更新商店最新版v1.2.35445 【更新】:修复更新内容,详情查看下方版本说明 【名称】:POPULATION: ONE 【类型】:枪战、动作、冒险、吃鸡、免费下载 【平台】:Quest、Quest 2、Meta Quest Pro(一体机版本) 【联机】:需要网络 【大小...
如今,对于苦等这家团队新作的朋友们来说,这个新消息想必可以让大家开心一下:根据开发商发给注册用户的邮件显示,除了PC平台的VR设备之外,《Population One》将对Oculus Quest提供支持! “Oculus Quest是一款惊人的设备,如此易于使用,方便让那些没有接触过VR的玩家投身其中,没有高端PC也不再是什么问题——这就是我们在...
传送门:https://www.roadtovr.com/games-quest-2-download-first/ 《POPULATION: ONE》:这款游戏的垂直战斗系统和团队竞争元素,为玩家提供了一种全新的VR射击游戏体验。其创新性和紧张刺激的游戏环境,可能会吸引寻求新鲜游戏体验的玩家群体。 《Gym Class – Basketball》:将篮球模拟与VR结合,为喜欢篮球的玩家提供...
《Population: One》是一款VR战术竞技游戏,也是去年Oculus Quest 2发售时的首发作品之一。近日,《Population: One》开发商BigBox VR的两位高管接受国外媒体采访,聊了聊本作问世至今的变化和发展,以及开发团队为它制定的未来计划。 “过去的一年里,我们学到了很多东西!”BigBox VR工作室主管Chia Chin Lee说,“我们将...
VR社交规模在扩大,在Quest上使用社交功能的人也越来越多,越来越多的VR应用支持多人玩法,比如:《Beat Saber》多人模式、多人FPS《Onward》、VR吃鸡游戏《Population:One》、零重力多人游戏《Echo VR》、VR社交应用《Rec Room》和《VRChat》。 而且近期开始看到一些趋势,更多人开始约时间一起玩VR,体验游戏、社交等...
The Oculus Quest 2 with 128GB of internal storage retails for $399, while the Oculus Quest 2 with 256GB of internal storage retails for $499. Both models are only sold in a white colorway, and neither model supports any kind of expandable storage, so be sure to get the model that has...
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Facebook looks to have a sizable exclusive lineup at launch, but it’s also promoting the Quest 2’s cross-platform potential. That includes upcoming battle royale game Population: One, which will be released in the fall of 2020 and features cross-play across HTC Vive, Windows Mixed Reality...
'Stranger Things VR' is Leaving Quest Exclusivity, Coming to PSVR 2 and PC VR Headsets in DecemberSee Also: Searches for “HTC Vive” Have Caught up with “Oculus Rift” and May Be Accelerating Now there’s several different conclusions you might be tempted to leap to, but that would be...
After living with the Meta Quest 2 for nearly a year, here are our thoughts on why it’s still the virtual reality headset most people should buy.