当所述功能推出后,你可以通过谷歌Chrome或微软Edge访问oculus.com/casting,登录账号,并在头显中点击“Cast to Computer”选项。 Oculus同时增加了录制功能,这样你在投屏时就可以保存自己最喜欢的游戏时刻。“Record”按钮将于今年晚些时候与大家见面,届时你可以通过这个按钮将自己的高光时刻直接保存到手机的图片库或视频...
如下图所示,点击Oculus按钮,前往Sharing分享,选择Cast投屏,并勾选Computer电脑即可。 6. 语音命令 现在,你可以在头显中访问自己的语音活动。这意味着你可以在虚拟现实中查看、听到和删除自己的语音互动。若要管理语音活动:戴上Quest或Quest 2,然后依次选择设置>语音命令>活动日志。 另外,你可以通过移动应用或Oculus官...
Cast screens directly on a compatible TV or Oculus mobile app and invite friends to join the VR world Facebook technology provided Quest 2 requires a Facebook account to log in, so you can meet friends and explore communities around the world in VR. You can explore in your own name, or...
Like a PlayStation, Xbox, or Nintendo Switch, the Oculus Quest 2 is a standalone console designed with VR in mind. It doesn't require a TV, but it can display a flat version of what's happening in VR by casting to popular smart TVs, Google Cast devices, Facebook smart displays, ...
turns Quest “in” a PC headset Firestorm185 Very excited! now I just need to purchase a Quest. XD Alicia Let me share with you real on-line profiting wherein you possibly can make upto 10,000 dollars each and every month by doing work from your computer in your home. Any sort...
How To Connect Oculus Quest 2 To Samsung Smart TV No products found. If you’re looking to get the most out of your Oculus Quest 2, connecting it to a Samsung Smart TV is a great way to do it. By doing this, you’ll be able to enjoy all of the benefits that come with using ...
prevents you entering VR or setting up your Rift or Quest 2, you’re not alone. Many users encountered the same problem while playing VR games. This may be related to the connection, drivers, computer settings or system files, but fortunately it’s not hard to fix. Read on to find out...
Very strange comment. You can buy a Quest 2 for under 250 dollars. First generation HMD’s can be bought for under 100 dollars on the secondhand market. guffymcpump I waited 8 years to say you are wrong! You are ready Foreign Devil, go get that VR…. Oh now your PC is...
The next step after that is to open the Oculus app on your computer. If you don’t have it yet, you can get itherefor free. Install the PC version, launch it, and switch on your headset. This is the Oculus Link software.
How to Cast Your Oculus Quest Gameplay While not the same as saving screenshots or videos, it’s useful to know about the casting function of your Quest. This allows other people to watch as you play; if you like, you could also record gameplay or take screenshots on the linked device....