准备2个Steam Controller(Steam手柄加密狗,淘宝应该有卖,我之前就是淘宝买的,还是刷好驱动的),另忘了说,HTC 追踪器的USB接收器也可以,X宝有单独购买的,搜索 HTC VIVE TRACKER找有单独售卖USB接收器的就行。 步骤#5 更改设置,以便Quest可以识别V社基站和指虎,需要修改SteamVR安装目录下的:default.vrsettings文件 ...
Quest 2目前能够通过内向外追踪实现头部和双手的动捕,而这又使得估计手臂和胸部的位置相对容易。但头显...
1.https://edition.cnn.com/2022/02/15/tech/vr-no-legs-explainer/index.html 2.https://thenextweb.com/news/metaverse-no-legs-meta-microsoft-analysis 3.https://www.roadtovr.com/meta-quest-2-full-body-tracking-fbt-not-viable-quest-2/ 4.https://www.roadtovr.com/vr-dance-battle-vrchat-b...
Oculus Quest 2的核心参数 CPU:高通骁龙XR2 分辨率:3664*1920 刷新率:90HZ 视场角:100度 续航:3...
Seek Immediate medical attention if a battery is suspected to be swallowed or inserted inside any part of the body. Similar items you might like Based on what customers bought RGB Head Strap with Battery for Meta/Oculus Quest 3/Quest 3S, 8000mAh Battery Pac...
quest-tracker Tracking changes in Oculus Quest firmware updates. Guide There is no usage, this repo is intended to provide diffs for Java code in Oculus Quest system APKs. The hollywood folder tracks Quest 2 firmware updates, Quest 1 hasn't been added (yet) as I currently don't own that...
Hi everyone! I have one question about the Vive Tracker. Currently, I would like to detect the posture of the user when running while wearing the HMD. I would like to use the Vive Tracker to detect the user's movements. Since the HTC Vive ProEye is too h
Facebook在博客中宣布,Oculus Quest v23系统软件更新开始发布。新的更新包括用于Quest 2的本机90Hz刷新率选项和新的健身跟踪器Oculus Move。为其他人购买和赠送应用程序的功能将在本月晚些时候发布。Oculus Link今天也将退出测试版。 在启动时,Oculus Quest 2仅支持Home区域和Oculus Browser之类的应用程序支持90Hz刷新...
近日消息,Virtual Desktop的最新更新可让用户使用Quest 3的Inside-Out Body Tracking和Generative Legs来模拟佩戴的Vive Tracker进行SteamVR身体跟踪。 据了解,此前,VRChat用户主要使用Vive Tracker来跟踪躯干、肘部、腿和脚等身体部位,以实时驱动他们的化身。但这会带来显著的额外成本。传统的Vive追踪器每个售价130美元,需...