| 能在自己的房间看数十个电视频道 | 参观bigscreen中的虚拟豪宅 | Meta Quest 1429 -- 4:27 App 怎么在VR中聚会观影不卡顿?| bigscreen新功能 | Meta Quest必装免费应用 | 无线投屏教程 remote desktop 1552 -- 0:49 App 有了quest3,你就是个修理工 6773 2 0:21 App Meta Quest 3之”我的世界“...
如果Oculus Quest 2没有手柄,可以使用触摸板或遥控器来点击确认。在设置中启用Touchpad/Remote Control作为输入设备即可使用触控板控制Oculus Quest 2进行操作。如果无法联网,无法操作头显,可以考虑以下几种解决方案:1. 使用手机热点:使用手机开启热点,将Oculus Quest 2连接至手机热点,然后进行配对操作。2. 使用电脑连接...
handzlikchris / Unity.QuestRemoteHandTracking Star 136 Code Issues Pull requests Oculus Quest hand tracking directly in Unity Editor for fast iteration. unity3d handtracking oculus-quest Updated Feb 21, 2020 C# thedroidgeek / oculus-wireless-adb Sponsor Star 128 Code Issues Pull requests ...
Feb 24, 2020 Repository files navigation README What is this remote desktop for oculus quest Now this is wip stage,but aready basicly working. Please see release page how to use (japanese) Oculus Quest WebVR App Link https://shinyoshiaki.github.io/oculus-quest-remote-desktop/build/About...
【微软 Hololens 2官方宣传片】HoloLens 2 结合 Dynamics 365 Remote Assist 为工业赋能 1306 -- 4:07 App VR乒乓球更新匹配机制 人菜瘾大欲罢不能 Pico Neo 3【VR玩乐】 385 1 52:53 App Oculus Quest 2:马丘比丘遗址探险《National Geographic Explore VR》 127 -- 1:17 App Oculus VR设备圣诞大卖 ...
10000+ "oculus remote" printable 3D Models. Every Day new 3D Models from all over the World. Click to find the best Results for oculus remote Models for your 3D Printer.
【210202】vi..电脑的vd设置都是正确的(用户名和allow remote)连着同一个wifi(quest2连上了但是网络受限,但在同一个局域网)防火墙设置没问题一直显示no computer found 用的2.4
Oculus Quest 1/2Gear VR Windows Steam VROculus About GizmoVR GizmoVR is a software development company focused on consumer products, mobile applications, virtual reality apps and games. Company’s portfolio includes GizmoVR video player,Bluelight game, and others. ...
Oculus Quest 1/2 Gear VR Windows Steam VR Oculus About GizmoVR GizmoVR is a software development company focused on consumer products, mobile applications, virtual reality apps and games. Company’s portfolio includes GizmoVR video player, Bluelight game, and others. GizmoVR Ltd. 84 Spyrou ...
UPDATED! Facebook Launches Horizon Workrooms, a Remote Workteams VR App for the Oculus Quest 2 Yesterday, Facebook announced their entry into what I collectively term theYARTVRA(YetAnotherRemoteTeamworkVirtualRealityApp)marketplace, a product called Horizon Workrooms. Here’s the promotional video fo...