Vulkan timestamps on Quest 3 not working Hi,we are developing an app using Open3D Engine on the Quest 3, and somewhere around the new year the Vulkan query pool timestamps started reporting back durations of only a few microseconds for our render passes. Going back to older versions of ...
Q. Can I Play Roblox on Oculus Quest 2 without a PC? At the time of writing, Roblox’s official app is not available for the Oculus Quest 2, which simply means you need to install the compatible VR Roblox game by connecting your headset to your PC. If in the future, Roblox releases...
【Oculus开始全面支持OpenXR,纳入新App发行基本要求】// 阅读全文: // #映维网# #VR# #虚拟现实# #AR# #增强现实#
每当尝试打开这些应用程序时,都会遭遇“Failed Entitlement Check”错误提示,进而导致程序崩溃。 数周前,首个在 Meta Quest 论坛上报告此问题的用户 TheLegend27 详细描述了自己尝试的多个解决方案,包括重新安装应用程序、对 Oculus Go 进行全面重置,以及尝试通过智能手机应用程序启动头显端应用,但均未能成功解决问题。此...
过分依赖广告从来不是好事,这一点从今年起开始执行的苹果新政就能看出来。 今年年初,苹果对旗下iOS系统进行了隐私层面上的修改,从iOS 14.5版本开始,广告标识符(IDFA)这一选项将从默认开启转为默认关闭,此外,上架App Store的每款App在追踪用户的广告标识符前都需要得到许可。而根据市场调研公司Analytics的一份调查报告...
” Rubin said. “People from these cities aren’t really sure that roomscale is going to be dominant. What I would say is: we support it, we’re fully capable of it, we’ll probably support full 360, we may support roomscale, but it will not be required to have a fantastic time...
Q: I'm assuming other phone makers have approached you other than Samsung. Can you say anything about whether mobile access is going to broaden beyond the Gear VR in 2016? A:I can't comment on any exclusivity agreement existing or not. What I can say is that we've been working really...
据UploadVR报道,由加拿大游戏工作室Melcher Studios开发的VR曲棍球游戏「Hockey VR」已登陆App Lab,售价3.99美元。 在游戏中玩家将能基于Realstick外设(售价14.99加元)在客厅里打曲棍球!通过将Realstick与Oculus Touch手柄相连,玩家就能在游戏中获得手握曲棍球杆打曲棍球的沉浸式体验。