然后就是无限自动重启永远到不了开防护的页面。电脑又连不上手机app只能恢复出厂设置,在我按了音量和开机键准备恢复出厂设置的后给我显示no command,然后我又重启了奇迹般的这次进去了我立马就清了缓存就这一次浪费了我一天时间,找遍了也没有解决方法差点就废了。
我是当天晚上都是正常的,昨天晚上睡觉前插好充电,然后还搞好了科学环境,打算今天起来玩的,但是开机开不了,能识别手柄,感觉到手柄震动一下,app我都下载好也能匹配上,蓝牙也能连接到,很奇怪,我屏幕看不到匹配的那5位数字,但是就是匹配上了,现在就是一直开不了机,同时按电源键和+,出现NO COMMAND,我都重置两三...
If you’re receiving anOculus hardware error that prevents you entering VR or setting up your Rift or Quest 2, you’re not alone. Many users encountered the same problem while playing VR games. This may be related to the connection, drivers, computer settings or system files, but fortunately...
Step 1 – Go to the Start menu and search for Command Prompt. Step 2 – Launch the Command Prompt as administrator. Step 3 – In the command prompt, use the command SFC/Scannow and hit enter Let the scan run. It will find the corrupt system files and try to fix them. Once the sca...
When I open up the oculus app on my pc it starts checking the status of my Oculus app. But after a while it gives me an error saying can't - 942403
We recommend using an elevated Command Prompt since it will eliminate any remnant files that might get left behind if you uninstall the driver conventionally. Here’s how to reinstall the Oculus driver from the elevated Command Prompt: Start by ensuring that your Oculus device is plugged into you...
Use the<hmd>.setTextureScalecommand (see below) to reduce the resolution of the rendered image in the HMD. Screen/Ortho objects do not appear in the HMD The Oculus SDK is provided the rendered image of the world and automatically performs the distortion correction before displaying the image ...
1] Update Voice Command App One of the major reasons why the Oculus Assistant Service stops time and again is a bug in the Voice Command app. The issue seems to be prevalent across various devices all around the globe. To update the app, follow the prescribed steps. ...
Command prompt(Admin)to open elevated Command prompt. Type the following commands. powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $Env:SystemRoot\WinStore\AppxManifest.xml Hit enter, the blackscreen will appear still for a couple of seconds. After a couple of...
Run the Command Prompt using administrator mode and run this command line from the C:\ prompt. C:\OculusSetup.exe /drive=D this is to install the program into any present hard drive instead of an SSD which is present in your tower. ...