Previously, one could download any of the Rift exclusive titles from Oculus' store even without owning a Rift, which enabled users to run the games on the HTC Vive using third party software like Revive. However, with the latest update, the store now requires users to have a Rift to d...
Digital 4 years Oculus Unveils Next-Gen Quest 2 VR Headset Aimed at Broader Market, Will Phase Out Rift S Film 4 years Venice Film Festival Virtual Reality Section Moved Online Will Travel Globally Digital 5 years The Best Black Friday Deals for VR Headsets, Apps & Games Digital 5...
尽管没有人能够指责Oculus拒绝“滥用行为”的举措,但退款政策采用了大量的复数名词:如“apps”而非“app”,“games”而非“game”,以及“many experiences”而非“an experience”。简单来说,Oculus没有明确说明这个复数名词到底是指代多少。Borses表示,他是在上周五拿到了Quest,然后在周末选购了10款游戏,但最...
Unreal创始人:HTC Vive的销量是Oculus的2倍,Oculus再封闭下去迟早完蛋 Tim Sweeney, Epic Games公司的创始人和Unreal Engine游戏引擎的创办者,Unreal Engine是目前世界最知名授权最广的顶尖游戏引擎,占有全球商用游戏引擎80%的市场份额。在VR的行业中,Tim Sweeney有着他独一无二的位置。在近日的一次采访中,Sweeney...
It hostsmore than 1,000 VR gamesthat you can play and interact with. UnlikeGoogle Playand theApp Store, Oculus allows you toinstall the apps remotely. Stay up to date with the latest apps and services by enabling push notifications for sales and upcoming releases. If VR doesn’t feel real...
VR Headsets for Phone Cell Phone Virtual Reality headsets 3D Glasses Helmets VR Goggles for TV Movies Video Games Compatible to iOS Android Support 4.7” to 7.3” Mobile Screen with Controller (BR95) Add $45.99 current price $45.99 VR Headsets for Phone Cell Phone Virtual Reality headsets 3D ...
G胖大战Oculus:独占好还是开放好?听开发者怎么说 作者丨周思冲 触乐原创,转载请注明作者、出处。上周,Valve创始人加布·纽维尔(GabeNewell)的一封邮件被公开在Reddit上。他在邮件里暗示,并不认同Oculus追求游戏独占的做法。对此,gamesindustry记者马修·汉德拉翰(MatthewHandrahan)分别从VR设备厂商和开发者的角度...
I Just Got An Oculus Quest 2 What Games Should I Get? It was the question that rocked the internet the day after Christmas 2021. After years of speaking about VR’s promise and it often being declared dead on arrival, VR and more specifically the portable wonder that is the Oculus Quest...
他在邮件里暗示,并不认同Oculus追求游戏独占的做法。对此,gamesindustry 记者马修·汉德拉翰(Matthew Handrahan)分别从VR设备厂商和开发者的角度进行了分析。由于Steam的补贴计划还没有正式开始,开发者观点多来自于Oculus的合作方,有一定的倾向性。长久以来,主流舆论对于Oculus的做法基本上持批判态度,本文提供了一个新的...
三、游戏推荐 《Beat Saber》:这是一款音乐节奏类游戏,玩家需要使用控制器切开屏幕上的光束,跟随音乐节奏完成挑战。游戏支持多种热门歌曲,非常适合音乐爱好者。《Epic Games》:Epic Games是一家知名的电子游戏开发和发行商,其旗下有多款游戏支持VR模式。例如,《Robo Recall》是一款第一人称射击游戏,玩家需要在...