失眠组多款Oculus Rift VR游戏已在Meta商店下架 据游戏媒体人 Dominic Tarason 发现,《漫威蜘蛛侠》系列开发商 Insomniac Games 的多款 Oculus Rift 游戏在没有任何通知的情况下已从 Meta Store 下架。 Tarason 指出,下架的这些均是“大型、高预算的 PCVR游戏”,近适用于 VR 设备。据称下架的游戏包括 2016 年...
However, with the latest update, the store now requires users to have a Rift to download the games. It doesn't precisely stop you from running it on other devices, but you will also need to have a Rift along with the Vive to be able to download the games. This is in stark contrast...
失眠组多款Oculus Rift VR游戏已在Meta商店下架 据游戏媒体人 Dominic Tarason 发现,《漫威蜘蛛侠》系列开发商 Insomniac Games 的多款 Oculus Rift 游戏在没有任何通知的情况下已从 Meta Store 下架。 Tarason 指出,下架的这些均是“大型、高预算的 PC >VR 游戏”,近适用于 VR 设备。据称下架的游戏包括 2016...
If you’re looking to drop some money on an Oculus Rift S, you’ll want to spend the rest of your money on the most worthwhile games. Here are our favorite games that you should be ...
失眠组多款Oculus Rift VR游戏已在Meta商店下架 据游戏媒体人 Dominic Tarason 发现,《漫威蜘蛛侠》系列开发商 Insomniac Games 的多款 Oculus Rift 游戏在没有任何通知的情况下已从 Meta Store 下架。 Tarason 指出,下架的这些均是“大型、高预算的 PC VR游戏”,近适用于 VR 设备。据称下架的游戏包括 2016 ...
is a senior tech and policy editor focused on VR, online platforms, and free expression. Adi has covered video games, biohacking, and more for The Verge since 2011. Alongside its consumer Rift, Oculus has announced a user interface for virtual reality. Oculus Home is quite a lot like the...
there is other content for their titles to hang out with, and Oculus can generate some momentum for adoption that will help third-party devs get their games out into the hands of consumers. Oculus can also set the tone, as it were, for what great content on the Rift can and should be...
IT之家3 月 4 日消息,消息源 Dominic Tarason 发文,透露《漫威蜘蛛侠》系列游戏开发商 Insomniac Games(失眠组)为 Oculus Rift 开发的多款大型游戏在没有任何通知的情况下从 Meta 应用商店中下架,对此索尼回应称系 Insomniac Games 自己所为。 据悉,这些作品均为“大型、高预算的 PC VR 游戏”,包括 2016 年...
据游戏媒体人 Dominic Tarason 发现,《漫威蜘蛛侠》系列开发商 Insomniac Games 的多款 Oculus Rift 游戏在没有任何通知的情况下已从 Meta Store 下架。 Tarason 指出,下架的这些均是“大型、高预算的 PC VR 游戏”,近适用于 VR 设备。据称下架的游戏包括 2016 年的《The Unspoken》、《无处可逃(Edge of...
Many users have resolved the “we encountered an error” Oculus app installation issue by applying those potential solutions. So, there’s a good chance one will fix the Oculus app not installing on your Windows PC. Then you get back to playing all your favorite Rift PC VR games again. ...