A must-have app for Oculus fans If you own an Oculus VR headset, thiscompanion appis what you need to maximize the abilities of your device. The app allows you tocustomize settings, access compatibleVR games, and attend VR events in real-time. Your experience will all boil down to whethe...
无线串流pc上也需要下载oculus软件吧 贴吧用户_5RR3Z75 中级粉丝 2 如果之前打开了开发者模式,后续就不用在手机上再开了吧 -SAITO- 初级粉丝 1 VR成功连接电脑了,但是没有games那一栏,然后自己打开steam运行游戏也没办法 老是报错,咋办 老铁 奥古斯丁HR 高级粉丝 3 老铁,你是在国内用的Oculus吗?我想问...
The app even supports remote downloading of apps, so users on the go can queue downloads of large games when they are on the go.This same application can diagnose the status of your PC configuration, whether or not the user has enough processing power to render detailed VR words. Oculus ...
Download free vr games and quest apks files. Sideload vr apk files onto quest 2. Get ready to immerse yourself in the world of Pokemon VR, Friday Night Funkin VR, Attack on Quest and many more. Learn how to get free Oculus Quest games with our 2023 New L
《I Expect You To Die》是Schell Games公司在2016年发行的VR益智游戏,该游戏内原先仅有一些密室逃脱类的解谜关卡。后续经开发商不断改版,又增添了许多免费的关卡。2019年5月,《I Expect You To Die》登陆Quest时,已经是开发商推出的最佳版本。该游戏内容十分有趣,难度却较高。玩家在一些关卡需要反复尝试才能...
VR gaming is much more resource intensive than monitor gaming. In short, that’s because the render resolution is much higher than the 1080p displays used by most PC users today. Not to mention, VR games must also be rendered in 3D and anywhere from 72 to 144 FPS depending o...
楼主自己问题吧,我延时现在能稳定24ms左右,一般PCVR其实也就20ms左右 烈焰激光剑 后起之秀 7 我调到75mbps就很流畅,感觉再高就会开始变得延迟很大 Nebula28 后起之秀 7 玩光剑泥巴觉得和有线的有区别啊。阿斯加德稍有点橡胶感,不知道有线怎样。 Nebula28 后起之秀 7 星战的光剑也没有橡胶感 绪风 ...
失眠组多款Oculus Rift VR游戏已在Meta商店下架 据游戏媒体人 Dominic Tarason 发现,《漫威蜘蛛侠》系列开发商 Insomniac Games 的多款 Oculus Rift 游戏在没有任何通知的情况下已从 Meta Store 下架。 Tarason 指出,下架的这些均是“大型、高预算的 PC VR游戏”,近适用于 VR 设备。据称下架的游戏包括 2016 ...
LibreVR / Revive Star 3.6k Code Issues Pull requests Play Oculus-exclusive games on the HTC Vive or Valve Index, scroll down for downloads and installation instructions. openvr oculus Updated Feb 18, 2024 C++ viromedia / viro Star 2.3k Code Issues Pull requests ViroReact: AR and ...
Usually, with non-VR games, this doesn't make much of a difference. However, the PC Oculus store and Steam's SteamVR use different APIs and so won't perform the same on every headset. For example, if you have an Oculus Quest or Oculus Rift connected to your computer for VR, you ...