在Oculus Qu..由于到4月21日中午时还未收到v28的更新,姐夫本身在纠结要不要手动刷机更新固件,直到发现Virtual Desktop 也更新了测试版,还开放了PCVR 的120Hz刷新率并要求用v28固件,我就毫
解决方法:将你的桌面端的Oculus软件更新到最新版本,这个过程需要在Oculus Quest 2设备中进行,在VR设备内找到设置选项并进行更新操作。通常你会在桌面端的Oculus软件中看见这条更新提示。 Solution: Update your desktop Oculus software to the latest version. This process needs to be done on the Oculus Quest 2...
Oculus VR desktopis agaming utilitysoftware by Facebook Technologies. It is a companion app to Oculusvirtual reality headsets.In addition to managing the hardware, it allows you to download applications in theOculus Store,and discoverlive VR events. You can also use the app to connect with your...
无线使用需要在Oculus商店里购买Virtual Desktop这个软件,19.9美元需要信用卡支付。Q: 戴眼镜能用这款VR...
Update Windows 10 If the Oculus Quest software won’t install on your PC, you can try to upgrade Windows since the update may come with bug fixes including the issue of Oculus desktop app not installing. Step 1: ClickStart > Settings > Update & Security. ...
package.json update lib Jul 17, 2019 tsconfig.json refactor Jun 15, 2019 yarn.lock Merge pull request #10 from shinyoshiaki/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/esli… Feb 24, 2020 Repository files navigation README What is this remote desktop for oculus quest Now this is wip stage,but aready basicly...
Try to install again Oculus app fromour website. (to the letter.) As it stands I have a paper weight that cannot be used in conjunction with my new desktop, and yes this is most definitely vr ready, I was able to use this on my laptop with a 1050ti before it finally die...
无线使用需要在Oculus商店里购买Virtual Desktop这个软件,19.9美元需要信用卡支付。Q: 戴眼镜能用这款VR...
Playing PC VR games wirelessly on an Oculus Quest has been a joy, thanks to Virtual Desktop, and that experience gets better than ever with this latest update. Virtual Desktop version ...
FFR APIs still log when called on desktop, but it is now a warning rather than an error. Conditionally compile out FFR code on non-Android to avoid the messages Fixed Fixed issue #1300651, where the Oculus XR Plugin would crash with apps built into folders with non-ASCII characters in the...