Oculus VR desktopis agaming utilitysoftware by Facebook Technologies. It is a companion app to Oculusvirtual reality headsets.In addition to managing the hardware, it allows you to download applications in theOculus Store,and discoverlive VR events. You can also use the app to connect with your...
打开Oculus 官方手机app,选择屏幕右下方的 【设置】。 点选自己的设备【Oculus Quest ***】来展开选项,展开后选择【更多设置】。 点第四个【开发者模式】,把它打开。 完成Quest端 操作 3.QUEST端 #注意:想正确安装,需要在Oculus商店里购买 正版Virtual Desktop 在Oculus商店购买Virtual Desktop并下载安装。 使用US...
Patch完成后会最后确认待导入的歌曲,可以检查核对一下是否所有歌曲都能够正常导入,确认后点击Install APK就会开始安装修改后的apk 完成后戴上头显进入游戏,就可以在Custom Songs曲包中找到自己导入的歌曲了。 五、使用ALVR串流 Quest可以通过无线串流的方式玩SteamVR游戏,目前有收费的VRidge和Virtual Desktop方式和免费的A...
下载完成后进行解压,右键 android_winusb.inf 选择【安装】进行安装。 8、安装Virtual Desktop(Virtual Desktop VR Patch)打开SideQuest并搜索Virtual Desktop选择【install】进行安装。 _这里仅仅只安装串流的流传输插件,VD主体是需要付费的。_安装VirtualDesktop时,SideQuest可能会发生误报,并不影响使用。但还是建议把Side...
If the Oculus Quest software won’t install on your PC, you can try to upgrade Windows since the update may come with bug fixes including the issue of Oculus desktop app not installing. Step 1: ClickStart > Settings > Update & Security. ...
To play Oculus Rift content on Quest 2, install the Oculus VR Desktop App on a compatible gaming computer, then connect your headset using Air Link, the Link Cable or similar high-quality USB 3 cable.Oculus Rift SDownload and install VR software to a wide range of desktops and laptops. ...
adb install xxxx.apk #xxxx是你apk的路径和名称 还可以启用无线安装模式 adb tcpip 5555 这个时候,拔掉usb线,直接通过下列命令就可以无线连接了 adb connect 192.168.1.x #具体ip可以在路由器或者Oculus的APP里面看到 然后就是和有线一样的操作了 所以说如果不是要用sideQuest的额外功能,只是想安装软件的,完全不...
Write Better, Work Smarter With This Desktop AppGrammarly Install Now Open the Meta Quest app. Select your headset on the top banner of the app. Tap headset settings under the Manage Your Device section. (Image credit: Android Central) Select developer mode from the list of options. Toggle ...
Try to install again Oculus app fromour website. (to the letter.) As it stands I have a paper weight that cannot be used in conjunction with my new desktop, and yes this is most definitely vr ready, I was able to use this on my laptop with a 1050ti before it finally die...
AppInstallerInstallationURL= HoursBetweenUpdateChecks=0 bEnablePIXProfiling=False TileBackgroundColor=(B=64,G=0,R=0,A=255) SplashScreenBackgroundColor=(B=64,G=0,R=0,A=255) +PerCultureResources=(CultureId="",Strings=(PackageDisplayName="",PublisherDisplayName="",PackageDescription="",Applicati...