Force Mipmap Generation On All Layer OnOffset Mipmap Bias On All Layers 0 FOv-Tangent Multiplier 0; 0 Use FOV Stencil Auto Bypass Proximity Sensor Check on Adaptive GPU Performance Scale Default (PC)Asynchronous Spacewarp Auto Frame Drop Indicator Disabled Debug HMD Type Disabled Pose Injection D...
Adjust OculusDebugTool Settings This solution adjusts the encoding resolution width, potentially improving performance by reducing the rendering load on the system. Navigate to the Oculus installation directory (commonly C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-diagnostics). Open OculusDebugTool.exe. Locate...
oculus debug tool 怎样才能生效? 只看楼主 收藏 回复 bluepig233 初涉江湖 1 我在odt里把asw改成disabled后,选择菜单栏service-restart Oculus service,然后oculus就会重启,但它一重启,和QUEST2的连接就断开了,等oculus重启好之后,我得重新在头显里点link连接,这样asw又变回auto了...是不是我操作的顺序有...
You can change setting in Debug Tool. There are 3 settings: "Default", "Low" & "High". The default setting is "Default".[3] "Low" has the highest pixel density in the center of fov & it makes the sharpest image. To apply changes, select "Restart Oculus Service" from Service in ...
Another Oculus performance overlay I sometimes use is the “Oculus Link” mode. You can enable it by expanding the “Performance HUD” settings in the Oculus Debug Tool application and selecting “Oculus Link” from the dropdown menu. You can see an example of the overlay from the screenshot...
如要禁用ASW,请在Oculus SDK中依次打开Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-diagnostics\OculusDebugTool.exe,然后运行OculusDebugTool.exe。 图1:异步空间扭曲配置 如要在SteamVR中禁用二次投影功能,请使用Settings/Performance(设置/性能)。 图2:SteamVR配置 ...
如要禁用ASW,请在Oculus SDK中依次打开Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-diagnostics\OculusDebugTool.exe,然后运行OculusDebugTool.exe。 图1:异步空间扭曲配置 如要在SteamVR中禁用二次投影功能,请使用Settings/Performance(设置/性能)。 图2:SteamVR配置 ...
How It Works Oculus Tray Tool relies on an Oculus supplied application called Oculus Debug Tool. With this application developers and others can set a higher Pixel Density (Super Sampling) as well as other options. Oculus Tray Tool uses this application
如要禁用ASW,请在Oculus SDK中依次打开Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-diagnostics\OculusDebugTool.exe,然后运行OculusDebugTool.exe。 图1:异步空间扭曲配置 如要在SteamVR中禁用二次投影功能,请使用Settings/Performance(设置/性能)。 图2:SteamVR配置 ...
I’ve got the update v26 and since set all the settings in the Oculus debug tool except for the AWS force 45 to default and it does remove the white flashing. I do run the Quest 2 @ 90hz and the second 1.3 on the slider with 0.7:0.7 best flight’s yet today. ...