oculus debug tool 怎样才能生效? 只看楼主 收藏 回复 bluepig233 初涉江湖 1 我在odt里把asw改成disabled后,选择菜单栏service-restart Oculus service,然后oculus就会重启,但它一重启,和QUEST2的连接就断开了,等oculus重启好之后,我得重新在头显里点link连接,这样asw又变回auto了...是不是我操作的顺序有...
Another potential fix is to repair the Oculus app on your Windows PC. Issues within the Oculus software installation can also cause a black screen even when it’s connected to a PC. Download the Oculus software fromhttps://www.meta.com/quest/setup/. Run the installer and select “Repair”...
Firstly, press Win+E toopen Windows File Explorerand then navigate to the below location: C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-diagnostics Now, from the above location, run the OculusDebugTool application. Next, in the Oculus Debug Tool window, expand the Oculus Link category and check if t...
2. Configure the Oculus debug tool PressWindows+Eto openFile Explorer. Navigate to the path below: C:\Program files\Oculus\Support\Oculus-diagnostics\Oculus Debug Tool\ Open theOculus Debug Tool. SetEncode Bitrate (Mbps)to 0. Click onFileat the top right and selectRestart as administrator. La...
Debug.Log("Found Function"); public static void initializePlayer(Activity unityPlayer) { ExoPlayer player = new ExoPlayer.Builder(unityPlayer).build(); } Here is the Unity side. AndroidJNIHelper.debug = true; var playerClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer"); AndroidJavaOb...
0 FOv-Tangent Multiplier 0; 0 Use FOV Stencil Auto Bypass Proximity Sensor Check on Adaptive GPU Performance Scale Default (PC)Asynchronous Spacewarp Auto Frame Drop Indicator Disabled Debug HMD Type Disabled Pose Injection Disabled Oculus Link ...
This now also signs the APK with a debug certificate in place thanks to@emulamer's signer. Useadb install -r {patched apk path}to install the patched signed new APK that the signer creates replacing the old APK. Initial setup (do this once) ...
<DebugType>full</DebugType> <Optimize>false</Optimize> <OutputPath>Temp\bin\Debug\</OutputPath> <DefineConstants>DEBUG;TRACE;UNITY_2019_3_3;UNITY_2019_3;UNITY_2019;UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER;UNITY_5_4_OR_NEWER;UNITY_5_5_OR_NEWER;UNITY_5_6_OR_NEWER;UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER;UNITY_2017_...
Hint:Firmware factory tool download address: https://www.proculustech.com/tools/ 2.1.1 Modify Boot Logo This feature is only supported on Android 5.1 system. For modifying the boot logo on Android 7.1, please refer to the attention prompt box below. In the firmware factory tool interface, ...
Its quite simple really just use Oculus Tray Tool or Oculus Debug / Cli to set the ASW mode to Forced 45hz. Enjoy. The flash is detected both inside the plane and outside the plane. Time lines for the v…