二、Oculus Tray Tool OTT(https://www.apollyonvr.com/oculus-tray-tool)才是今天的重头戏,各位老铁,支持开机自启,支持自动恢复设置,支持按游戏设置参数,支持快捷键……这东西难道不香吗?FB好好学着点! 首先打卡Quest Link设置选项卡。 Presets(预设):直接应用一个预设,OTT目前提供了4种预设,从GTX970到RTX2080...
萌新刚刚入手quest2,配置是台式机10代i5+3060ti+32G内存条,这次用vr玩Vam是被震撼到了,就是帧率感人。我是用有线link串联,测速2.6G。电脑端关闭steam vr,只开oculus启动vam,oculus设置里渲染分辨率拉满5408*2736,刷新90hz。然后OculusDebugTool里面编码分辨率宽度3664,比特率500。然后进入vam加载场景,普通男女互动能...
Force Mipmap Generation On All Layer OnOffset Mipmap Bias On All Layers 0 FOv-Tangent Multiplier 0; 0 Use FOV Stencil Auto Bypass Proximity Sensor Check on Adaptive GPU Performance Scale Default (PC)Asynchronous Spacewarp Auto Frame Drop Indicator Disabled Debug HMD Type Disabled Pose Injection D...
quest2的物理分辨率为单眼1832 x 1920像素的分辨率,我把steamvr里的渲染分辨率拉到上述像素可以1:1对焦。如果我继续拉高,显示效果会更清晰吗?我手持3080显卡,玩alyx最多拉到200%(能稳定),拉到300%会爆显存卡死。现在在考虑要不要升级到3090,拉到500%都不会爆显存。问题是,这样大幅超过quest2物理分辨率的渲染分...
把你们以前在DEBUGTOOL设置的东西全部归默认,拔出线在接入,最好重启,不用卸载,也不用重装。 秦殇July6 初涉江湖 1 用线连结pc,都无法启用oculus link,现在只要启用oculus link或是airlink,都会出现三个点然后跳回quest的主控室 k7sh-41 四方游侠 5 并不需要,只需要卸载VD以及注册表键值Appinit_DLL这个键值的...
Adjust OculusDebugTool Settings This solution adjusts the encoding resolution width, potentially improving performance by reducing the rendering load on the system. Navigate to the Oculus installation directory (commonly C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-diagnostics). ...
2. Connect your Quest to your PC via the USB cord and confirm the headset is connected to SideQuest3. Press the ‘Run ADB Commands’ button in the top right of the SideQuest toolbar, then select the ‘Custom Command’ option4. Paste and run the following command:adb shell setprop debug...
Another Oculus performance overlay I sometimes use is the “Oculus Link” mode. You can enable it by expanding the “Performance HUD” settings in the Oculus Debug Tool application and selecting “Oculus Link” from the dropdown menu. You can see an example of the overlay from the screenshot...
I’ve got the update v26 and since set all the settings in the Oculus debug tool except for the AWS force 45 to default and it does remove the white flashing. I do run the Quest 2 @ 90hz and the second 1.3 on the slider with 0.7:0.7 best flight’s yet today. ...
NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Code Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights Additional navigation options main 2Branches 1Tags Code This branch is1 commit ahead of,2 commits behindDanTheMan827/QuestPatcher:main. ...