1.打开 https://dashboard.oculus.com/organizations/create 并登录 Oculus 账号。由于网站全是英文,所以要熟练应用网页翻译 2.Create New Organization随意填写名称,勾选 I understand,点击提交,打钩同意即可 由于目前官方加强了对于开发者模式申请的管理,申请开发者模式需要填写信用卡,完成申请后不需要买游戏,解绑即可。
1.打开 https://dashboard.oculus.com/organizations/create 并登录 Oculus 账号。由于网站全是英文,所以要熟练应用网页翻译 2.Create New Organization随意填写名称,勾选 I understand,点击提交,打钩同意即可 由于目前官方加强了对于开发者模式申请的管理,申请开发者模式需要填写信用卡,完成申请后不需要买游戏,解绑即可。
2.打开 https://dashboard.oculus.com/organizations/create 并登录 Oculus 账号 3.新版 Quest 需要验证手机以及信 用卡来开启 4.Create New Organization 随意填写名称,勾选 I understand,点击提交,打钩同意即可,这里需要绑定信用卡的 如图 5.打开手机 APP 中,需代理网络,设置-对应头盔设备-高级设置-开发者选项-...
1.开发者模式类似手机的 USB 调试,很多场合需要用到,比如装游戏,投屏,连电脑等,建议必开。 2.打开 https://dashboard.oculus.com/organizations/create 并登录 Oculus 账号 3.新版 Quest 需要验证手机以及信 用卡来开启 4.Create New Organization 随意填写名称,勾选 I understand,点击提交,打钩同意即可,这里需要...
Otherwise create your own organization https://developer.oculus.com/manage/organizations/create/ and fill in the appropriate informaiton. Turn on the device you want to use for development. Open the Oculus app on your phone and then go to Settings. Tap the device and then go to More Settings...
–After creating an account, you will be prompted to create an organization (Name it whatever you like) Accept the developer Non-Disclosure Agreement and you’re done!–If you’ve done these steps on your mobile device, make sure you go back to the Oculus app on your phone ...
Login to the oculus developer portal and click on your organization (create one if you don’t have one): https://dashboard.oculus.com/my-apps Click on “Create New App”, and choose Mobile Enter the apps name Get the secret and include it in the APK ...
Experience with GD&T, and associated metrology Experience communicating among cross functional teams Description(岗位职责) Lead a team of metrology technicians in the AR Hardware Metrology Lab Develop best practices dimensional mechanical metrology to promote and execute within Reality Labs organization, and...
Experience being a great communicator. Versatility in presenting and facilitating to all levels of the organization technical and non-technical content. Project management, leadership, dependency management, and cross-group collaboration experience across more than one geographic location. ...
打开https://dashboard.oculus.com/,如果没账号,先注册然后登录(推荐用fb账号登录) 登陆后再次打开页面,选创建团队(Create New Organization)。这里貌似是强制需要填写信用卡之类的付款信息,只能填了 装驱动 创建后,下载安卓驱动包:Oculus ADB Drivers 解压,右击那个inf文件(android_winusb.inf),点击安装 ...