If you encounter any issues with your download, pleasereport them here. Alternatives toOculus - Meta Quest WattpadFree Books and Stories Free App for Bookworms Natura Sound Therapy A Trial version Home & hobby program for Windows Also available in other platforms ...
您还可以利用第三方卸载程序实用程序(例如 IObitUninstaller)清除剩余的 Oculus 文件夹和注册表项。 清除所有剩余的 Oculus 子文件夹后,打开此元下载页面。 然后点击 Download Software 下载软件 为您的 VR 耳机获取最新的 Windows Oculus 应用并尝试安装。安装Oculus软件 许多用户通过应用这些潜在的解决方...
Oculus VR, LLC– Shareware –AndroidWindows 最新版本 3安全安装 描述 技术 购买 编辑 Oculus is a virtual reality (VR) platform created by Oculus VR, LLC that allows users to step into immersive digital worlds. It consists of both hardware and software components. ...
Oculus VR desktopis agaming utilitysoftware by Facebook Technologies. It is a companion app to Oculusvirtual reality headsets.In addition to managing the hardware, it allows you to download applications in theOculus Store,and discoverlive VR events. You can also use the app to connect with your...
想要改的话需要按这个方法做:https://support.oculus.com/articles/getting-started/getting-started-with-rift/install-oculus-pc-app-different-drive1.同时按 Windows 键和 R,打开“运行”命令窗口2.输入以下路径:[drive]:\Users\(Username)\Downloads\OculusSetup.exe/drive=[new system drive]将[drive] 替换...
Step 2: In Windows Update, clickCheck for updates. Windows is checking for available updates and then download & install them on the PC. Step 3: Restart the PC to finish the update. Update Device Drivers When Oculus software not installing happens, one of the things you should do is to ...
On your keyboard, press theWindows logo + R keyssimultaneously to open the Run box. Enter the following path: [drive]:\Users\(Username)\Downloads\OculusSetup.exe/drive=[new system drive] Replace [drive] with the letter of the drive where Oculus was downloaded to. ...
8、这样就完成了Oculus账号注册,如果你想要下载Oculus驱动,需要点击“Downloads”,然后点击最新的“SDK”版本号,在里面选择下载“Oculus Runtime for Windows”即可,这样就可以完整的下载驱动以及相关的软件了。 至于其他的下载项,大多都是包含了一些游戏的Demo。
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Support hand controllers for Oculus, Vive, Windows Mixed Reality, Daydream, GearVR, and more by adding VRController to your existing Three.js-based WebVR project. javascript threejs webvr vive oculus gamepad gear-vr daydream vrcontroller webxr windows-mixed-reality Updated Jan 22, 2019 JavaScr...