Oculus Link and Oculus Air Link (also called Quest Link and Quest Air Link) allows you to use your Quest headset to play PC VR games, opening up a world of high quality content that you simply won’t find on the Quest Store. Here’s a breakdown of the Oculus Link and Air Link reco...
左侧菜单中选中Quick Actions标签 右侧Quick Actions页面中,点击Oculus Air Link按钮 在下一个对话框中选择你的PC,然后点击Launch按钮 4.通过Oculus Air Link运行Oculus PC以及SteamVR游戏 Oculus Air Link启动后,面前会出现Oculus PC的菜单面板,名为Oculus Dash。从这里你可以直接启动Oculus PC库中的游戏,也可以直接...
【210509】Air link无限闪退已解决 只看楼主 收藏 回复 CNY14 武林新贵 8 解决办法,用卸载软件完全卸载pc oculus客户端,注册表和文件夹一起删除,win10控制面板卸载不干净,没有用,然后再重新安装就可以了 https://crystalidea.com/uninstall-tool/download软件链接 CNY14 武林新贵 8 自顶 工具人人人人 人中...
link只需连接头显并插入PC的USB口,通过oculus app配置连接link线然后启用就行了。 oculus 官方发布quest link光纤线后,第三方厂家也出品了同款产品,但第三方厂家的线速率更高,能达到10Gbps, 官方的是5Gbps。 有很多玩家会问,我插上VR后,电脑显示的只有1.0几或者2.几的速率,不是你说的10G啊。其实这只是PC 与...
3. Fill in the form on the right hand side to get the free download. 4. Check you email for the free download link from the Oculus store. 5. Enter the 'My App' area through your Oculus headset, and there you will find the Smart Home App. 6. Immerse yourself in the Smart Home ...
Air Link and Link Cable.To play Oculus Rift content on Quest 2, install the Oculus VR Desktop App on a compatible gaming computer, then connect your headset using Air Link, the Link Cable or similar high-quality USB 3 cable.Oculus Rift SDownload and install VR software to a wide range ...
如果您想在Oculus商店中找到并安装Go的VR应用程序,或者您想使用常规2D Android应用程序(如Amazon Prime Video和Steam Link),本指南将介绍如何实现这两者。 你需要一台带有USB端口的Windows电脑,Go不能自己负载应用程序。 有三种不同类型的应用程序/游戏可以加载到你的Go: ...
安装oculus link默认是装到C:\Program Files\Oculus\,而且不能改。想要改的话需要按这个方法做:https://support.oculus.com/articles/getting-started/getting-started-with-rift/install-oculus-pc-app-different-drive1.同时按 Windows 键和 R,打开“运行”命令窗口2.输入以下路径:[drive]:\Users\(Username)\Do...
Oculus Link Cable sold separately 3D Cinematic Sound - Hear in all directions with built-in speakers that deliver cinematic 3D positional audio Headset Casting - Display what you’re seeing in the headset directly on the Oculus app or compatible TV No PC or console needed. Requi...
Getting a black screen when using the Oculus link via the Oculus app could be due to outdated drivers. This guide will discuss all the expert-recommended methods to fix the issue. Many users have complainedOculus Linkis not working when trying to launch a VR game. If you face the same, ...