Oculus VR desktopis agaming utilitysoftware by Facebook Technologies. It is a companion app to Oculusvirtual reality headsets.In addition to managing the hardware, it allows you to download applications in theOculus Store,and discoverlive VR events. You can also use the app to connect with your...
To play Oculus Rift content on Quest 2, install the Oculus VR Desktop App on a compatible gaming computer, then connect your headset using Air Link, the Link Cable or similar high-quality USB 3 cable.Oculus Rift SDownload and install VR software to a wide range of desktops and laptops. ...
与《VRtuos》一样,《Tea For God》只能通过SideQuest进行侧载。 9《Virtual Desktop》 PC串流应用《Virtual Desktop》更新对手势识别的支持,也就是说你不需要使用手柄,就能在Quest VR一体机中控制PC桌面内容。加入对手势的支持后,你可以用手替代Oculus手柄来操控PC桌面,或者通过本地安装一个补丁,便可以用手来控制PC...
与《VRtuos》一样,《Tea For God》只能通过SideQuest进行侧载。 9《Virtual Desktop》 PC串流应用《Virtual Desktop》更新对手势识别的支持,也就是说你不需要使用手柄,就能在Quest VR一体机中控制PC桌面内容。加入对手势的支持后,你可以用手替代Oculus手柄来操控PC桌面,或者通过本地安装一个补丁,便可以用手来控制PC...
Now I just bought a Quest 3 and nothing works because of the GPU, I can't use Remote Desktop with mixed reality windwos 11, I can't link the headset with oculus quest, I can't play MSFS 2020 due to the incompatible GPU, and nothing that has to do with VR (Virtual Rea...
Oculus Quest / Quest2 如何设置 VirtualDesktop 实现无线串流【详细教程】 Oculus官方App的手机安装步骤安装大体分为3个步骤 电脑端安装手机端设置Quest端安装1.电脑端 通过Sidequest官网 https://sidequestvr.com...【Steam】并在Steam中安装【Steam VR】便完成了所有安装。 2.手机端 打开Oculus官方手机app,选择屏幕...
The program will automatically generate a zip file containing your logs, which will be saved to your desktop automatically. Attach the newly created zip file to your next support response. If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others fin...
PSVR使用这种模拟让人们一起看电影,而VR桌面还能提供对运行它的macOS计算机的访问。这使得VR Desktop变成了类似于虚拟桌面,Envelop和其他手机应用程序的东西。 这些应用程序让人们以现实世界中不可能的方式去操纵他们的电脑。人们可以尝试不同的背景,来发现是什么在帮助他们聚焦,还能将显示屏分为三个不同的部分,并将每...
1、在 Google 商城中搜索 oculus 点击 【安装】进行 App 安装。 2、使用 Facebook 账号进行登录 3、设置 VR 主页,点击 【继续】就可以。 4、一直点击 【继续】到 设置支付方式页面,如果有 双币 信用卡,配置信用卡的信息进行支付方式设置,设置成功后会自动扣除 1 美元。如果没有双币信用卡 点击 【跳过】。
The Virtual Desktop is a bit more than what it sounds like. The interface itself is customizable: You’re able to control the zoom, make the “screen” appear curved, and also render the “desktop” itself transparent, such that it blends in with the background. As for these en...