The Manhole: Masterpiece Edition - Another release from Myst creator Cyan Worlds, The Manhole was first released back in 1988 on a set of floppy disks as a point-and-click adventure game for kids. Now, a quick iPhone download and anyone can enjoy the remade adventure game, complete with ...
The dynamic duo of Jamie and Rachel return. Unfortunately, similar to her “mom” inHalloween II, Jamie is subdued and doesn’t talk for much in the film due to the trauma of last year’s events. I wish she wasn’t so limited. In another dumb decision, they killed off Rachel in the...
due to Covid-19 printing delays. It was a big bummer, but now I see it as a blessing in disguise. I was able to focus on my kids’s back to school experience and it also gave me a chance to recharge—I had been working non-stop—and really...
Clay makes his living as a professional athlete, where guy bonding is crucial to success. What we see in him is a hard-working goalie who wants to make it to the next level of professional hockey. And he works with kids too. What’s not grown up about that? Consider it one example ...
obituaryappeared in the Los AngelesTimescommemorating his accomplishments and his pursuit of that Holy Grail of earthquake prediction. If somehow someone could put it all together, his work could be responsible for saving the lives of untold millions of people who, like myself, live near major ...
There are also performers and kids' activities at Sacher Park. Yom Kippur Jews praying on Yom Kippur, by Maurycy Gottleib, 1878 Yom Kippur is the Jewish Day of Atonement. On this serious, yet joyful day, the city of Jerusalem shuts down completely. There are no cars, no open businesses,...
I also feel a responsibility to give my wealth back to society in ways that do the most good for the most people. But I started looking at the world through a new lens recently—when my older daughter gave me the incredible news that I’ll become a grandfather next year. 我一直将我的...
Or, of course, just for yourself. This dynamic duo brought us the slightly oversized kids book Church History ABCs and this is like that, but smaller. Wow, it so good it could be used with older kids or even adults, as long as the ABC approach doesn’t turn people off. It shouldn...
So what changed was me. I was not looking for the answer on the page. The kids were free to think, read, and use other sources. Dr. Hilda Taba did this without the technology. She used pictures. But that was way before the Internet. There have always been people seeking to create ...
(Brooklyn Decker, former swimsuit model, clearly chosen for her acting “talents”) that he is getting a divorce from his fake wife, played by his assistant (Jennifer Aniston). Her real-life kids become Sandler’s fake kids, and the whole lot goes along for a Hawaiian vacation. At ...