Void of Course in Horary Astrology: If you were asking a question and making a chart to determine the answer, as you do in Horary astrology, it is said that since the Moon is not looking forward to any more aspects in this sign, you would have to say that the answer is not forthcomi...
The following are monthly horoscopes for the Taurus zodiac sign. Cafe Astrology divides its monthly horoscopes into 3 groups (or decanates) per sign for more accuracy. Remember that if you know your Ascendant, read forecasts for both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign. If you know your bi...
On October 6th, 2021Pluto goes directat 24° Capricorn. If in the last 5 months Pluto retrograde gave us the opportunity to work in the shadow of our subconscious, when Pluto goes direct we want to bring this awareness of our inner transformation into the outer realm as well. October 7th,...
Full moon october 2024Astrology AMoon Square Marsaspect may trigger disruptive and aggressive energy in the collective, leading to heightened impatience, road rage, or accidents. However, channelled correctly this energy can drive swift action, especially in urgent situations. This combination encourages ...
Libra rules the 7th house of unions, contracts, partnerships, marriages and law. They make excellent lawyers. When the Sun moves into Libra this brings a lot of us, we and our into the air. After all, Libra is an air sign. Libra is also a dual-natured and we-focused sign. It's ...
7 WAYS TO HAVE A SUPER SPIRITUAL HALLOWEEN WHY YOU NEED TO KNOW YOUR MOON SIGN ASTROLOGY Cast byLouise Androliausing theGolden Universal Rider Waite Deck. Scorpio / Scorpio – The Fool As a fellow Scorpio soul, I felt a little spark of excitement when I turned this card over, especially ...
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Free Monthly Sun-Sign Horoscopes. TimePassages Professional Astrology Software Program for Windows and Mac OS X. Astrology Charts and Reports with Powerful Interpretations.
Libra is in charge of welcoming in autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern Hemisphere. As tropical astrology was created to align the signs with the Northern Hemisphere seasons, it makes sense that fall is ruled by an air sign, with the leav...
(Motivational Interviewing for Gang Prevention).When she isn’t writing,Cocoaspeaks in public forums about how to use astrology for personal development.After applying the principles of astrology to improve her own life, she opened an astrology practice fueled by an eight-year background in social...