Uncle Willy had even lost a lot of weight over the years so he could go swimming with them; he wasn’t skinny, of course, but he could keep up now, at least. But then he had said that being fifteen years old signified that they could now take on some responsibility. Well, if resp...
Thursday October 29, 2020 Rico’s Creole Band, 1931-1937 Mammy Bong, Harlequin 1993 0comments on Rico’s Creole Band, 1931-1937 Mammy Bong, Harlequin 1993 On Harlequin we find this lovely cd with the music of Filiberto Rico and his group Rico’s Creole Band. He was a Cuban clarinet ...
Posted on October 12, 2020 Monster Monday with Cale Atkinson Have you met the fangtastic monsters in Cale Atkinson’s Monsters 101? We hear that they’ve been taking over indie bookstores across Canada for the past few weeks . . . and now we have one living on our blog! Meet Charlie!
“First off, got to say I love your podcast. I love how you guys brought back the discussion of the chapters again, since I got to relive the feelings I had when I first read it without actually reading it. I’m too caught up in college right now and missed those easy days when I...
Now is a great time to stock up and save on some of the most popular paper designs…including papers from theAugust-December 2020 Mini Catalog!! SALE DETAILS: Sales Period: October 1-31 All order types qualify for this promotion.
Covid 19 has worked as a catalyst for accelerating initiatives and ideas that were still in the wings and may have not have happened so soon if it was not for the pandemic. The future of social media may not look anything like what we have witnessed till now. Here is the forecast for...
Ronovan Writes:Dance Till DawnA little poem about the devil and the myth that was told. Late to the party but here nonetheless Alice | Malham Magna:World PeaceNot fiction, I hope, but 13 words of what should be relatable for everyone. ...
Feed me till I want no more; Feed me till I want no more. 2. Open now the crystal fountain, Whence the healing stream doth flow; Let the fire and cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey through. Strong deliverer, strong deliverer, ...
I’d forgotten how sophisticated Belloc’s prose is. Given the dumbed-down texts these kids are likely to have read up till now, even though homeschooling does give them a leg up on the horrifying depths to which public school has sunk, is it going to be too hard? Guess I’ll find ...
“It was announced that a Mr. Karponky & his scholars would dance the grand Polka. He is a Pole—has taught 3,000 persons the Polka in these U.S.” FromLetters of an Early American Traveller: Mary Austin Holley, Her Life and Her Works(1933), by Mattie Austin Hatcher. ...