Sotheydiagnose Morgellons. And treat it. The male to female ratio is approximately 1:1 according to the Morgellons Research Foundation. The disease affects all age groups including children, but the prevalence in children is unknown at present. There is often a history of traumatic exposure to p...
Jamie:I agree. I thought – well, it’s one of those questions that’s age old, isn’t it – and it’s sort of well, should people know about the world they live in, or should they live in a bubble, or how much should children be aware of, and how can you trust children to...
Yes, if you’re used to pretending there’s no way we can do anything about the millions of invaders then you certainly aren’t thinking.Or perhaps you’re just spending all your time thinking about sneaky ways to serve the invaders rather than We the People. Update 24 Oct 2007: Well i...
”‘Da Day,’ at least for my age group, usually refers to the times of ‘old school rap’: Doug E Fresh, Slick Rick, Funky Four, Sugarhill Gang, Grandmaster Flash (whereas Run DMC would be at the tail end of old school). “As the phrase spread, the white community seemed to us...
What I find sometimes reading so many MG and YA books is that there are those that seem to appeal regardless of the reader’s age (Cecil Castellucci’s work would fit in here or the KIki Strike book), some that seem to appeal more to adults that kids (I think “King Dork” is an...
Is there a maximum age of consent? Screen capturing granny fisting Message from Andy; he wants to live in a house with Madge, Bicyclemark, and Amy, preferably across the hall from Bicyclemark with easy access to the kitchen. Fistulas smell ...
{work}Tags A Journey Round My Skull, Bobby "Boris" Pickett, Café Kaput, Chris Kotsiopoulos, Cthulhu, David McCallum, Faust, Goethe, Golden Age Comic Book Stories, Harry Clarke, HP Lovecraft, Ilhan Mimaroglu, Jonathan Barnbrook, Shirley Jackson4 Comments on Weekend links: the Halloween edition...
Or does a certain age just re-invigorate certain feelings of our youth? This is something that’s been flickering around in my head this week. I’m just wondering if we maybe enter periods in our lives where we lose track of ourselves and that it takes sometimes-monumental events to remin...
— During the period 1941-1975, when global temperatures cooled, giving rise to concerns of a looming ice age, there were 11 years of moderate-to-severe drought. — During the period 1976 to 1990, when global temperatures rose back to the 1940 level, there were 8 years of moderate-to-se...
The outlook for November 2, as of today (UPDATED 10/31/10): (Not updated since 10/26/10.) Based on current Intrade odds on individual Senate races, it looks like the GOP will gain seats in Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, North Dakota, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. This ...