(2011). Functional characterization of the octenol receptor neuron on the maxillary palps of the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti. PLoS ONE 6(6).Grant, A.J. and Dickens, J.C. ( 2011 ) Functional characterization of the octenol receptor neuron on the maxillary palps of the yellow fever...
A total of 6 floodwater mosquito species were collected by the MMP baited with the 3 attractant baits in Elkton, FL. The MMP baited with Lurex 3 or octenol collected more mosquitoes than the MMP baited with CO2 sachet or MMP alone. 机译:在佛罗里达州东北部的两个不同地点进行了诱蚊Lurex...
Functional Characterization of the Octenol Receptor Neuron on the Maxillary Palps of the Yellow Fever Mosquito, Aedes aegyptiTropical dry forestbirdsagricultural landscapeTolimaBACKGROUND: 1-Octen-3-ol (octenol) is a common attractant released by vertebrates which in combination with carbon dioxide (CO(...