Unfortunately for ARP, Moog objected to the unauthorised use (ie. blatant copying) of its low-pass filter design, and threatened to sue ARP for its transgression. Searching for a legal counter to this, ARP discovered that Moog had infringed a patent on one of its circuits so, for a while...
octFilt.FilterOrder = 6; octFilt.Oversample = true; Design Compliant Low-Frequency Filters Design a sixth-order 2/3 octave filter with a 96 kHz sample rate. octFilt = octaveFilter('FilterOrder',6,...'Bandwidth','2/3 octave',...'SampleRate',96e3); ...
Low-pass filtersHigh-pass filtersCircuitsPerformance(Engineering)A method for providing a constant beamwidth over an octave frequency bandwidth for an acoustical array is presented. This is accomplished by designing an array of the desired characteristics at lower band limit and a half scale model ...
In summary, a low pass filter reduces the amplitude of frequencies below the filter's cutoff frequency by a factor of 1/slope. The cutoff frequency is the frequency at which the amplitude of the frequencies below it is reduced to zero. ...
The proposed design has several advantages such as lower group delay, lower computational complexity, and lower matching error. The technique we developed in this paper can be summarized as follows: 1) a simple low-pass filter (LPF) and discrete cosine transform (DCT) modulation are utilized to...
The instrument features an authentic recreation of the CAT’s 24dB/octave low-pass filter, and is said to precisely replicate the original hardware version’s unique resonance. The Transient Generator section then offers both ADSR and AR envelopes — again, meticulously replicating the behaviour of...
Function fitting Time for action - using polyfit Time for action - calculating the correlation coefficient Time for action - using leasqr Fourier analysis Time for action - using the fft function Time for action - analysing the exchange rate Time for action - applying a low pass filter Summary...
Tree-structured IIR/FIR uniform-band and octave-band filter banks with very low-complexity analysis or synthesis filters This paper introduces new tree-structured uniform-band and octave-band digital filter banks (FBs). These FBs make use of half-band IIR filters in the analy... E Elias,Per...
To explore more options for synth bass (guitar) sounds, check out Source Audio’s catalog. I loved the combination of a Soundblox Pro and Multi-Wave Distortion Pro to get dirty funk synth bass sounds. I also loved the DOD Meatbox and MarkBass Synth pedals, but I believe they are discont...
A 3.35-15G Load Capacitance 4.5 Octave High-pass Waveguide Filter 3.35-15G电容加载4.5倍频程高通波导滤波器 Induced Diffraction and Dispersion in Phase Mismatched Second Harmonic Generation; 光学倍频过程中感应衍射及色散的研究 New Method for Phase Velocity Compensation of Frequency-doubling of Femtosecond ...