成立日期: - 注册地: 得克萨斯州 办公地址: 4608 OLD POND DR 基本信息 企业编号 32050452575 企业名称 OCTAVE CAPITAL, LLC 成立日期 - 企业类型 - 注册地 TEXAS(得克萨斯州) 管辖区域 TX 办公地址 4608 OLD POND DR 数据来源:美国得克萨斯州工商注册处...
About Octave Octave operates as an early-stage venture capital firm. The firm invests in startups, providing both capital in the range of $300-$750k and strategic support to founders in the data space. Octave's portfolio includes companies that have collectively created over $29.25B in enterp...
(redirected fromPerfect octave) Thesaurus Medical Acronyms Encyclopedia Related to Perfect octave:8va oc·tave (ŏk′tĭv, -tāv′) n. 1.Music a.The interval of eight diatonic degrees between two tones of the same name, the higher of which has twice as many vibrations per second as the ...
Venture Capital Octave Venturesoctave-ventures.com Are you an investor? Submit your portfolio details now to be considered in our investor rankings.Submit portfolio details Investments11 Portfolio Exits1 About Octave Ventures Octave Ventures specializes in investment opportunities and solutions and is based...
「Octave」于6月15日宣布,其已获得5200万美元的C轮融资,以推动网络心理诊疗服务在全国范围内的扩展。本轮融资由Cigna Ventures、Novo Holdings和Avidity Partners领投,并由所有现有机构投资者以及新加入的Health Velocity Capital、Greycroft Partners、Felicis Ventures、Company Ventures、Obvious Ventures参与。
passive income ideas, real estate investment opportunities, Equity, Reliable Cash Flow, Tax Benefits, Diversifying your portfolio WITHOUT the common barriers to entry into commercial real estate investing: High initial capital investment, managing tenants and increasing occupancy, knowing when to refinance...
Health Velocity Capital Cigna Ventures Greycroft Obvious Ventures Company Ventures Felicis Ventures Octave 在B轮融资中筹集了2000万美元 32019-10-231100万美元A轮-- Greycroft Obvious Ventures Octave完成1100万美元A轮融资,用于扩大在纽约和旧金山的心理健康指导与治疗业务 ...
软银集团,Applied Ventures,Impact Venture Capital 7 Osaro 美国机器人深度学习技术研发商 Osaro Inc 人工智能 -2021-08-20C轮3000万美元 Octave Ventures J17 Capital,Tomales Bay Capital 8 ZeroEyes 人工智能武器检测解决方案提供商 - 人工智能 -2021-08-04A轮2090万美元 ...
我们是由上海外滩美术馆、ART021上海廿一当代艺术博览会、佳士得和Dragonfly Capital共同孵化的国际化团队,主要在纽约和上海两地办公,核心成员都有着丰富的艺术、设计和科技领域的从业经验,以及普林斯顿大学、斯坦福大学、沃顿商学院、纽约大学、北京大学等优秀的教育背景。 岗位职责: 1.与产品经理和设计师配合,为TRLab的...
Octave is a family run small boutique hotel, with just 14 rooms located in the center of Male', the capital island of Maldives. Our clients range from transit guests going to and coming from resorts and guest house locations through out the Maldives and short - long stay business travelers....