analyzer n. 1.分析者,分析器 fractional octave 分倍频程 band n. [C] 1.带,细绳;箍 2.橡皮圈,松紧带 3.【机】传送带,传动带 4.(无线电的)波段,频带 5.条纹;嵌条 v. [T] 1.用带捆;为...装箍 2.用条纹装饰 micro analyzer 微量分析器 waveform analyzer 【电】 波形分析器 in band ...
octave band analyzer 倍带分析器,倍频带分析器 octave band 倍频带 octave band level 带频带声级 octave frequency band 倍频带 octave band filter 倍频带滤波器 octave band pressure level 倍频程带声压级,倍频带压级 相似单词 octave n. 八个一组的物品 analyzer n. 1.分析者,分析器 fractional...
Octave Band Analyzer highlights True Octave Analysis True octave filters exactly represent the filter sets defined by the IEC 61260 standards and give the user a real-time response for vivid live visualization of data, crucial for advanced acoustic analysis. Synthesized Analysis For large channel count...
与"octave band analyzer"相近的词条 ... Octatropine Methylbromide octavalence octavalent octave octave band analyser octave band analyzer octave band of noise octave band oscillator octave band pressure level octave band sound pressure level octave filter set octave of frequency octave phono amplifier ...
6) octave band analyzer 倍频程频带分析仪 补充资料:倍频 CPU的倍频,全称是倍频系数。CPU的核心工作频率与外频之间存在着一个比值关系,这个比值就是倍频系数,简称倍频。理论上倍频是从1.5一直到无限的,但需要注意的是,倍频是以0.5为一个间隔单位。外频与倍频相乘就是主频,所以其中任何一项提高都可以使CPU的主频上升...
Real Time Octave Band Analyzer Type 2 integrating sound level meter With Octave and 1/3 Octave Band Real Time Display Features: • Wide 100dB range of 30 to 130dB • 160 x160 dot matrix backlit LCD displays Leq, LE, Lmax, Lmin and Lp • Built-in memory stores up to 12,280 ...
Octave Band Real Time Analyzer is a powerful real-time audio analysis app. Ideal for room tuning or speaker tuning, this app provides precision audio measurement and visualization that fits in your pocket! Octave Band Real Time Analyzer has many advanced features which are normally only found in...
Fractional octave band real time analyzer by digital technique71.874.8SegamiRIONT.RIONIwahashiRIONK.RIONShibataRIONFukushimaRIONOritaRIONKRIONingentaconnectInter Noise & Noise Con Congress & Conference Proceedings
5) octave band analyzer 倍频带分析器 6) octave band filter set 倍频带滤波器 参考词条 峰值幅度分析系统超逼近 补充资料:倍倍尔 倍倍尔(1840~1913) Bebel,August 德国和国际工人运动活动家,德国社会民主党领袖和创始人之一。1840年2月22日生于普鲁士,1913年8月13日卒于瑞士格尔桑斯。1865年8月结识W.李...
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