Several researchers have shown that the lipophilic storage and soil sediment accumulation of many organic solutes is proportional to the partitioning between octanol-1 and water. The octanol-water partition coefficient (P) is defined as P = C/sub o//C/sub w/, where C/sub o/ and C/sub w...
5.8 Octanol-water partitioning coefficient of PAHs Hydrophobicity is the primary property controlling PAH desorption from the soil, as the octanol-water partition coefficient is an important parameter for predicting environmental contaminants (Hussein and Ismail, 2013). Hydrophobicity is the primary property...
11.5.1 Octanol-Water Partition Coefficient Octanol CH3(CH2)7OH and water are partially immiscible and the distribution of an organic compound i between these two phases is known as the octanol-water partition coefficient, Kiow, i.e. (11.5-1)Kiow=ciociw. Since Kiow values may range from 10...
The octanol/water partition coefficient of meth- ylmercuric chloride and methylmercuric hydroxide in pure water and salt solutions. Environ. Toxicol.Chern. 10:5-8.Major, M. A. and Rosenblatt, D. H.: 1991, `The octanol/water partition coefficient of methylmercuric chloride and methylmercuric ...
1-Octanol/Water Partition Coefficients of n-Alkanes from Molecular Simulations of Absolute Solvation Free Energies The 1-octanol/water partition coefficient is an important thermodynamic variable usually employed to understand and quantify the partitioning of solutes be... NM Garrido,AJ Queimada,M Jorge...
Several researchers have shown that the lipophilic storage and soil sediment accumulation of many organic solutes is proportional to the partitioning between octanol-1 and water. The octanol-water partition coefficient (P) is defined as P = C/sub o//C/sub w/, where C/sub o/ and C/sub w...
Determination of the vapor pressure, aqueous solubility, and octanol/water partition coefficient of hydrophobic substances by coupled generator column/liqu... The measurement of the aqueous solubilities (CW S), vapor pressures (PS ), and octanol-water partition coefficients (KO/W) of organic compound...
octanolwateropptsoctanolguidelinepartitionsubstances UnitedStatesEnvironmentalProtectionAgencyPrevention,PesticidesandToxicSubstances(7101)EPA712–C–96–040August1996ProductPropertiesTestGuidelinesOPPTS830.7570PartitionCoefficient(n-Octanol/Water),EstimationByLiquidChromatographyiINTRODUCTIONThisguidelineisoneofaseriesoftestgui...
The term “octanol/water partitioning coefficient” is applied to compounds that are soluble in n-octanol. If a given compound is not soluble in octanol but soluble in another organic solvent that is not miscible with water, the hypothetical “octanol/water partitioning coefficient” can be calcula...
To assess the risk and fate of fullerene C60 in the environment, its water solubility and partition coefficients in various systems are useful. In this study, the log Kow of C60 was measured to be 6.67, and the toluene-water partition coefficient was measured at log Ktw = 8.44. From these...