publicly available OCTA datasets remain scarce. In this paper, we introduce the largest and most comprehensiveOCTA dataset dubbed OCTA-500, which contains OCTA imaging under two fields
Title题目OCTA-500: A retinal dataset for optical coherence tomography angiographystudyOCTA-500:用于光学相干断层扫描血管造影研究的视网膜数据集01文献速递介绍光学相干断层扫描(OCT)是视网膜成像领域最重要的进展之一,能够以微米级分辨率非侵入性地捕捉视网膜的三维结构数据(Huang等, 1991)。OCT广泛用于观察视网膜的横截...
Title题目OCTA-500: A retinal dataset for optical coherence tomography angiographystudyOCTA-500:用于光学相干断层扫描血管造影研究的视网膜数据集01文献速递介绍光学相干断层扫描(OCT)是视网膜成像领域最重要的进展之一,能够以微米级分辨率非侵入性地捕捉视网膜的三维结构数据(Huang等, 1991)。OCT广泛用于观察视网膜的横截...
为了推进OCTA图像分析和处理技术的发展。来自南京理工大学陈强教授团队公开发布了目前最大的OCTA图像数据集OCTA-500。 该数据集包含500只眼睛的OCT和OCTA两种模态的三维体数据、六种投影图像、四种文本标签(年龄、性别、左右眼、疾病类型)以及两种分割标签(视网膜大血管、无血管区),数据库总大小约80GB。数据库包含内容...
- 基于OCTA500数据集,提出了一种三维到二维的图像分割方法——图像投影网络,该方法可以充分利用OCTA的三维信息,不需要借助视网膜层分割算法。- 论文2:《IPN-V2 and OCTA-500: Methodology and Dataset for Retinal Image Segmentation》- 详细介绍了OCTA-500数据集,发布了图像投影网络-V2,提升了图像...
Dataset and Settings 作者使用的SAM-OCTA2部署在一个配备80GB内存的A100显卡上。所使用的优化器是AdamW,学习率为,损失函数为Dice损失。训练和测试集的划分遵循IPN-v2的配置[10]进行比较。 对于正面投影图像分割,将结果与以前的工作进行比较,而在层序列分割阶段,由于缺乏现有相关研究,仅进行了消融研究。在序列训练阶段...
2. Dataset Storage Format This time I got smart, left only the first 5 files under this complex path, making it crystal clear See the storage format of data in the datasets folder. If you need the complete dataset, you should contact the authors of theOCTA_500dataset. ...
To validate the efficacy of our proposed method, we conducted experimental evaluations using the publicly available dataset: OCTA-500. The experimental results show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance. Graphical abstract The graphic abstract of CMFNet This is a preview of ...
Extensive experiments on two subsets of the OCTA-500 dataset demonstrate that ODDF-Net outperforms state-of-the-art methods, achieving mean intersection over union ratios of 88.17% and 82.80%. The source code is available at
2. Dataset Storage Format This time I got smart, left only the first 5 files under this complex path, making it crystal clear See the storage format of data in the datasets folder. If you need the complete dataset, you should contact the authors of theOCTA_500dataset. ...