Eye on the bayou: new concepts in glaucoma, cataract, and neuro-ophthalmology : proceedings of the 54th Annual Symposium of the New Orleans Academy of Ophthalmology, New Orleans, LA, USA, February 18-20, 2005Hedges TR. Optical coherence tomography in neuro-opht- halmology. In: Schuman JS, ...
Retinal and optic nerve degeneration in patients with multiple sclerosis followed up for 5 years. Ophthalmology. 2017;124:688–96. PubMed Google Scholar Ratchford JN, Saidha S, Sotirchos ES, Oh JA, Seigo MA, Eckstein C, et al. Active MS is associated with accelerated retinal ganglion cell...
On the other hand, ultrasound can be used to see deeper into tissue, including structures that are optically opaque. For example, in ophthalmology,OCTis used to visualize fine structures of the cornea or the retina individually, while ocular ultrasound produces coarser images of the entire eye, ...
To evaluate the long-term outcome of ‘bleb-sparing epithelial exchange’ surgery for dysfunctional filtering blebs in paediatric and adult eyes.
角膜疾病的正确认识需要对病变角膜组织结构变化进行精确评估.裂隙灯显微镜分辨率较低,难以完全满足对角膜病变的定量分析.前节相干光断层扫描(anterior segment optical coherence tomography,AS-OCT)技术的应用使角膜病的诊断、治疗及研究水平更进一步.本文以应用AS-OCT技术对角膜疾病诊断的实例分析(如角膜炎、角...
Try to become the world best in his/her field We will treat you accordingly, don’t make a product bound by your limits. Stand in the customer’s shoes Think from our client’s point of view Assess yourself objectively (Gnothi seauton) ...
Special Keynote Speech: 20 Years of OCT in Ophthalmology - An Example of Successful Innovation Management between Research, Clinics and IndustryKaschke, M.IFMBE PROCEEDINGS
当当书之源外文图书在线销售正版《预订 A Practical Guide to Clinical Application of OCT in Ophthalmology [ISBN:9781789840155]》。最新《预订 A Practical Guide to Clinical Application of OCT in Ophthalmology [ISBN:9781789840155]》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片
This study aimed to evaluate the optical coherence tomography (OCT) macular volume as a marker for active vascular leakage in patients with intermediate an
Here we consider its use in ophthalmology as a means of aquiring high-resolution volume scans of human retina in vivo to understand eye functionalities. Figure 1 gives an overview of relevant anatomy. OCT devices record multiple two-dimensional B-scans in rapid succession and combine them to a ...