2.2将 PFA换成5%(m/v)的蔗糖溶液,4 度脱水1小时 2.3 将 5%的蔗糖溶液换成 30%的蔗糖溶液,4度脱水 1-2 天,直至组织下沉。 3.OCT 包埋 3.1准备适量干冰和包埋盒,并在包埋盒底部加入一层opti-mum cuttingtemperaturecompound (O.c.T.Compound)O 3.2将脱水完全的脑组织取出,使用 OCT 进行润洗。 3.3用镊子...
OCT Freezing Section Protocol. Materials: Fresh tissue specimen. OCT (optimal cutting temperature) compound. Disposable cryomolds. Liquid nitrogen. Cryostat. Cryosectioning blades. Slides. Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stain. Procedure: Tissue Preparation: 1. Trim the tissue specimen to a size suitabl...
A team of researchers in China examined the difference and relationship between optical coherence tomography and optical quality analysis system parameters induced by compound electrolyte intraocular irrigating solution or Ringer lactate solution during uncomplicated cataract surgery. Read More Spryte Medical ne...
A team of researchers in China examined the difference and relationship between optical coherence tomography and optical quality analysis system parameters induced by compound electrolyte intraocular irrigating solution or Ringer lactate solution during uncomplicated cataract surgery. Read More Spryte Medical ne...
We modified this technology by using frozen tissues embedded in OCT compound as donor samples and arraying the specimens into a recipient OCT block. Tumor tissue is not fixed before embedding, and sections from the array are evaluated without fixation or postfixed according to the appropriate ...
12). These data might indicate that delivery of 2-octynoHA in the enteric capsule led to the delayed release of the compound and/or reduced absorption, yet this requires further investigation. Efficacy of 2-octynoHA in a rodent model of acute liver injury Considering the ammonia-lowering ...
6C and D). These results suggest that DHA, as a TPT1-targeting compound, holds promise as a potential inhibitor of H. pylori-related GIM marker expression. Fig. 6 DHA targeting of TPT1 inhibits H. pylori SlyD-induced GIM marker expression. A Three-dimensional molecular structures and ...
NS 1. Synthesis of Rubber AcceleratorNSand its Application to Tread Compound; 促进剂NS的合成及其在胎面胶中的应用 2. Pulse response test ofNSand VEECO piezoelectricity valves; NS型与VEECO型压电阀脉冲特性测试 3. The Extending Research on TCPW Protocol ofNS; ...
(Supplementary Fig.3a) using a protocol outlined in Fig.1aand determined if additional small molecules could augment ATPV-enabled reprogramming based on GFP expression. As anticipated, GFP expression was detected in OCT4-transduced ATPV cultures on day 7 after transduction but not detected in ...
Seventy-two hours after transfection and compound treatment, the Oct4 overexpression group had a significantly increased number of tumour spheres (Fig. 3e), confirming that Oct4 can promote the formation of tumour spheres. Adding ITE to this group brought the Oct4 mRNA level down to the same ...