Surrounded by the zodiacPeasants didn't have acces to this book, only noble classes did -> if peants did see it they wouldn't like itBook of hours -> book 1 inch by 3in (really small) -> pages made fo vellum, made of calf or pig skinSome of it made from fetal animal skin, ...
Even that most likely and ancient candidate, the procession around the zodiac, seems to have escaped encapsulation in a simple mnemonic, perhaps because it is nowadays astrophysically of no significance. Notwithstanding the increasing sophistication of astronomical methodology, the ...
"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson." Franklin D. Roosevelt to Colonel Edward House 11.21.33 "I think we hit the jackpot!" Reagan signs Garn-St Germain Ac...
We did so many shore landings and zodiac cruises, each one unique. There was no shortage of wildlife! We traveled with our 10 year-old son who had the time of his life. There were several other tweens/teens onboard. The guests were mostly a combination of families and solo travelers, ...